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How does it happen that you are in Paris?" "Rochefort!" cried the two friends. "Yes! we arrived four or five days ago from the Vendomois, as you know, and we are going to give Mazarin something to do. You are still with us, I presume?" "More than ever. And the duke?" "Furious against the cardinal. You know his success our dear duke?

Here and there the lowering sun would light up a window pane in the cliff, as if to remind us that these hillsides are burrowed out by the workers in the vineyards who make their homes here as in Touraine and in the valley of Vendomois. "It seems that we are again in the land of the troglodytes," said Walter.

Jeanne's power extended over Lower Navarre, Bearn, the land of Albret, Foix, Armagnac, and other great seigneuries. Through her husband, Antoine de Bourbon, she could rule and torture Perigord, the Bourbonais, and the Vendomois.

But the poetry of the Pleiad is true not only to the physiognomy of its age, but also to its country ce pays du Vendomois the names and scenery of which so often recur in it; the great Loire, with its long spaces of white sand; the little river Loir; the heathy, upland country, with its scattered pools of water and waste road-sides, and retired manors, with their crazy old feudal defences half fallen into decay; La Beauce, the granary of France, where the vast rolling fields of corn seem to anticipate the great western sea itself.

Barbette hastened to make a blaze, and to light two oribus, the name given to candles made of pitch in the region between the villages of Amorique and the Upper Loire, and still used beyond Amboise in the Vendomois districts. Barbette did these things with the slowness of a person absorbed in one overpowering feeling. She listened to every sound.

One half, to the south, looking to the courtyard, served for public receptions and for the transaction of business; whereas the private apartments were placed, partly to escape the heat, to the north, overlooking the gardens, on which side is the splendid facade with its balconies and galleries looking out upon the open country of the Vendomois, and down upon the "Perchoir des Bretons" and the moat, the only side of which La Fontaine speaks.

"Order of the king, I tell you. Read and answer, or I will blow out your brains!" The sergeant saw that D'Artagnan was in earnest. "The Vendomois road," he replied. "And by what gate did they go out?" "By the Saint Maur gate." "If you are deceiving me, rascal, you will be hanged to-morrow." "And if you catch up with them you won't come back to hang me," murmured the sergeant.

On arriving at the Rue Saint Denis, the friends found a vast concourse of people. It was the Duc de Beaufort, who was coming from the Vendomois and whom the coadjutor was showing to the Parisians, intoxicated with joy. With the duke's aid they already considered themselves invincible. The two friends turned off into a side street to avoid meeting the prince, and so reached the Saint Denis gate.

We resumed our journey the next day, and in these plains of the Vendomois, where you meet not with a single habitation, and which like the sea seem to present every where the same appearance, we contrived to lose ourselves completely.

"That the Place Royale is the termination to the main road to Vendomois, and nothing else." "What! our friends?" "Are become our most dangerous enemies, Athos. Let us be on our guard." "Oh! my dear D'Herblay!" "Who can say whether D'Artagnan may not have betrayed us to the cardinal? who can tell whether Mazarin may not take advantage of this rendezvous to seize us?" "What!