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"Father's gone to Colchester in the car to see the Bishop," Audrey coldly added. "If I'd known he was going to Colchester I should have asked him for a lift," said Miss Ingate, with determination. "Oh, yes! He'd have taken you!" said Audrey, reserved. "I suppose you had fine times in London!" "Oh! It was vehy exciting! It was vehy exciting!" Miss Ingate agreed loudly.

Gilman had not pressed her for a decision. Was it not important that the hall should seem as full as possible? When Miss Ingate, pushing her investigations farther, had discovered not merely Monsieur Dauphin, but Mr. Ziegler, late of Frinton and now resident in Paris, her cup was full. "It's vehy wonderful, vehy wonderful!" said she.

No? Then I bid you a vehy good morning, gentlemen, and hope to see you lateh." And he swung up to the steps of the private car. Half an hour afterward, the snow still whirling dismally, Winton and Adams were cowering over a handful of hissing embers, drinking their commissary coffee and munching the camp cook's poor excuse for a breakfast.

"But you'll be caught." "I shan't. I shall book to Ipswich first and begin again from there. Girls like me aren't so easy to catch as all that." "You're vehy cunning." "I get that from mother. She's most frightfully cunning with father." "Audrey," said Miss Ingate with a strange grin, "I don't know how I can sit here and listen to you.

"My idea, gentlemen," continued the colonel, filling the glasses himself, "is to start this scheme honestly in the beginnin', and avoid all dissatisfaction on the part of these vehy bondholders thereafter. "Now, suh, in my experience I have always discovered that a vehy general dissatisfaction is sure to manifest itself if the coupons on secu'ities of this class are not paid when they become due.

I asked in perfect good faith. The colonel was on his feet in a moment. "Any advantage? Major, I am surprised at you! A place settled mo' than one hundred years ago, belongin' to one of the vehy fust fam'lies of Virginia, not to be of any advantage to a new enterprise like this! Why, suh, it will give an air of respectability to the whole thing that nothin' else could ever do.

"Nancy, an investigation begun in New York by my dear friend Fitz, and completed here to-day, results in the discov'ry that what you have always considered as slight outcroppin's of coal, and wuthless, is really of vehy great value." The colonel here unbuttoned his coat, and threw out his chest.

I done seen it foh yeahs, an' now I seen it plain! De moon have it writ on her face las' night, de birds sing it in de trees, de chicken act it in his talk dis vehy mawnin'. De dog he howl it out las' night. De sun he show it plain dis vehy day. De trees say it, now weeks an' weeks.

Vehy good friend of mine. Saw him on'y the week befo' I left home." When dinner was served, I could detect no falling off in the colonel's appetite.

Halt! you G d Yankee sons of !" their remarks closing with an epithet concerning our maternal ancestors which, in the words of Colonel Carter of Cartersville, was "vehy gallin', suh." But, as said by the French soldier, old Peter, in "The Chronicles of the Drum,"