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Clarke, getting up from the hard chair, and standing close to the medicine ball with her back to the vaulting-horse. "Jimmy and I are going in a moment. You mustn't bother about us." "Well, but how are you going home?" "We shall walk. Of course have your boxing. It will do you good." "You're right there, ma'am," said Jenkins, with a sort of stern approval. "Mr.

They came up the stairs, and put down and bolted the cellar door, and moved upon it with great difficulty the parallel bars with their iron supports, from the gymnasium, and several 25-pound dumb-bells, as well as the heavy vaulting-horse.

However, they were saddened by the splendour of the gymnasium described in the preface; for they would never be able to get a vestibule for the equipages, a hippodrome for the races, a sweep of water for the swimming, or a "mountain of glory" an artificial hillock over one hundred feet in height. A wooden vaulting-horse with the stuffing would have been expensive: they abandoned the idea.

Only the gaunt parallel bars, and idle swings, and melancholy vaulting-horse. With a yelp of anger the pack cried back, and made once more for the school-house. At the door they met Stephen. "Where's the fight, young Greenfield?" shouted Bramble. "Nowhere," replied Stephen. "What! not coming off?" shrieked the youngsters. "No," laconically answered Stephen.

And they made a marginal note: "To search for the prince's amours." At the moment when they were taking their leave, the librarian, bethinking himself of it, showed them another portrait of the Duke of Angoulême. In this one he appeared as a colonel of cuirassiers, on a vaulting-horse, his eyes still smaller, his mouth open, and his hair straight. How were they to reconcile the two portraits?

Hogan, Swayne, Stalky, Perowne, and Ansell were deep in consultation by the vaulting-horse, Stalky as usual laying down the law. The Sergeant watched them uneasily, knowing that many waited on their lead. "Foxy don't like my recruits," said McTurk, in a pained tone, to Beetle. "You get him some." Nothing loath, Beetle pinioned two more fags each no taller than a carbine. "Here you are, Foxy.

If an indoor area sufficient for basket-ball and a room suited to club meetings can be had, the initial apparatus for winter work need not exceed a parallel bar, a vaulting-horse, and three floor mats in addition to the basket-ball equipment. This will involve an outlay of from $75 to $150.