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The consumption of vanilly sody in those two days broke all known Radville records, and stands a singular tribute to the Spartan fortitude of Radville womanhood, particularly the young strata thereof. Duncan, after he had succeeded in taming the fountain, seemed rather to enjoy than object to dispensing sody, standing inspection and receiving adulation and nickels in unequal proportions.

Most of the young folks go there, now, but still I get a call flow and then and every little bit helps." He rubbed on ferociously for a moment. "'Course, I'd do more, likely, if I carried a bigger line of flavours." "How many do you carry?" "One," he admitted with a sigh, "vanilly." While I filled my pipe he continued to rub very industriously. "Why don't you get more?"

Di and Bobby had walked home with Jenny. "Look here," said Dwight Herbert, "who is it sits home and has ice cream put in her lap, like a queen?" "Vanilly or chocolate?" Mrs. Bett demanded. "Chocolate, mammal" Ina cried, with the breeze in her voice. "Vanilly sets better," Mrs. Bett said. They sat with her on the porch while she ate. Ina rocked on a creaking board.

So, on the chancet, suh, that you might have a sweet tooth, too, I taken the liberty of bringin' you a sack of 'em and and and here they are, suh; three flavors strawberry, lemon and vanilly."

Duncan brushed this impatiently aside. "How much business are you doing here now?" "Some days" Graham reckoned it on his fingers "I take in a dollar or two, and some days... nothing.... There's my sody fountain," he said with a jerk of a thumb toward it: "got that fixed up a little while ago, and it's bringing in a little. Not much. You see, I need more syrups. I've only got vanilly now."

So, on the chancet, suh, that you might have a sweet tooth, too, I taken the liberty of bringin' you a sack of 'em and and and here they are, suh; three flavors strawberry, lemon and vanilly."