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Freeze the mixture, and add the bananas mashed or pressed through a colander. Put on the lid, adjust the crank, and turn until the mixture is frozen rather hard. This quantity will serve ten persons. 6 wine biscuits 1 quart of cream 1/2 pound of sugar 1 teaspoonful of vanilla Grate and sift the biscuits.

And I'm on my last cake of soap, and we need crackers, and vanilla, and sugar, unless you're not going to have a dessert, and salad oil " "Just get me a pencil, will you?" This was as usual. Mrs. Salisbury would pencil a long list, would bite her lips thoughtfully, and sigh as she read it over. "Asparagus to-night, then.

One and one-half cupfuls of white sugar, two cupfuls of fine, dry bread crumbs, five eggs, one tablespoonful of butter, vanilla, rose-water or lemon flavoring, one quart of fresh rich milk and half a cupful of jelly or jam. Rub the butter into a cupful of sugar; beat the yolks very light, and stir these together to a cream. The bread crumbs soaked in milk come next, then the flavoring.

1 quart of cream 1/4 pound of almond macaroons 4 kisses 1/2 pound of sugar 1 slice of stale sponge cake or 2 stale lady fingers 1 teaspoonful of caramel 1 teaspoonful of vanilla If you use it, 4 tablespoonfuls of sherry Pound the macaroons, kisses, lady fingers or sponge cake, and put them through a colander.

Melt half an ounce of gelatine in a very little water; strain it to the custard. When the latter cools, add half a gill of thick, fresh cream, two ounces of sugar, and a teaspoonful of vanilla; mix all well, and pour carefully into the mould without disturbing the lining of cake. Put the mould on ice, and, when set, turn out and serve.

Dissolve the cornflour in a little cold water and stir into the boiling apple. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring all the time. Pour into a wet mould. Turn out and serve when cold. 1 pint milk, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon castor sugar, flavouring. Put some thin strips of the yellow part of a lemon rind, or a vanilla pod, in the cold milk. Allow to stand 1 hour or more.

David's a young kid, an' wild, an' without any good home like you an 'me 've got, an' runnin' round the Barbary Coast in Frisco, with those bloody vampires there. 'Is uncle, Morton, is afraid 'e'll get the 'abit, and wants to sen' 'im pretty far. Well, 'e remembers 'e was in Tahiti forty years before, an' 'e been dealin' in a way in vanilla with ol' Llewellyn's 'ouse 'ere.

Four cups granulated sugar; one cup cream; one cup water; one-half cake chocolate; one-half cup butter. Cook until it just holds together, then add two teaspoonfuls extract of vanilla and pour into pans, not buttered. When cool enough to bear finger in, stir it until it no longer runs. It should not grain, but be smooth. Cut into squares. From MRS. MARY PAYTON, of Oregon, Lady Manager.

'I will have a vanilla ice, O well-beloved, and a wing of a tender chicken, a fried sole, and some excellent pea-soup. 'Bien, un potage, une sole, one chicken, and an ice. 'But why should you serve them in that order rather than in the order I gave you? Marie and the two Frenchwomen who were still in the room broke into exclamations at this extravagance, but Oliver Haddo waved his fat hand.

1 small bottle, or sixteen preserved marrons 1 quart of cream 4 ounces of sugar 4 tablespoonfuls of sherry 1 tablespoonful of vanilla Yolks of six eggs Put half the cream in a double boiler over the fire; when hot, add the eggs and sugar beaten until light. Cook a minute, and cool.