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Rich children are better able to care for ageing and burdensome parents. Hence the uneven distribution of munificence. Unequal gifts tantamount to insurance premiums safeguard the rich scions' sustained affection and treatment. Still, parents are supposed to love their issue equally. Hence the equal allotment of bequests. The Agent-Principal Conundrum By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Its victims writhe and as abuse is piled upon trauma they turn to stone, the mute witnesses of horror, the stalactites and stalagmites of pain untold and unrecountable. For their tormentors are often as talented as Mr. Ripley is and they are as helpless and as clueless as his victims are. The Truman Show By: Sam Vaknin "The Truman Show" is a profoundly disturbing movie.

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin The noted economist, Julian Simon, once quipped: "Because we can expect future generations to be richer than we are, no matter what we do about resources, asking us to refrain from using resources now so that future generations can have them later is like asking the poor to make gifts to the rich."

To rebuild trust in such circumstances is a daunting task. The loss of trust is contagious and, finally, it infects every institution and profession in the land. It is the stuff revolutions are made of. Scavenger Economies, Predator Economies By: Dr. Sam Vaknin The national economies of the world can be divided to the scavenger and the predator types.

To isolate, observe and manipulate environmental variables and study human interactions. No snapshot can approximate a video sequence where humans are concerned. Financial Crises, Global Capital Flows and The International Financial Architecture By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

When markets fail, insurance firm recoil, and financial instruments disappoint the government is called in to pick up the pieces, restore trust and order and, hopefully, retreat more gracefully than it was forced to enter. Global Differential Pricing By: Dr. Sam Vaknin Also Read: The Revolt of the Poor

EU enlargement is a thinly disguised exercise in mercantilism tinged with the maudlin ideology of embracing revenant brothers long lost to communism. But beneath the veneer of civility and kultur lurk the cold calculations of realpolitik. The applicant countries the EU's hinterland would do well to remember this. Winning the European CAP By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

"I am as good, as skilled, and as talented as the object of my jealousy." goes the subtext "Given equal opportunities, equitable treatment, and a bit of luck, I can accomplish the same or more." Jealousy is easily transformed to outrage when its presumptions equality, honesty, and fairness prove wrong. The Case of the Compressed Image By: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.

It is a repulsive canvas of a disintegrating world. Perhaps Christoff is right after al when he warns Truman about the true nature of the world. But Truman chooses. He chooses the exit door leading to the outer darkness over the false sunlight in the Utopia that he leaves behind. The Matrix By: Sam Vaknin It can be consistent or not. It can interact with the real world or not.

Investment horizons are limited. Should the state refrain from stepping in to fill up the gap these countries are doomed to inexorable decline. The Distributive Justice of the Market By: Dr. Sam Vaknin Also Read The Principal-Agent Conundrum The Green-Eyed Capitalist The Misconception of Scarcity