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"I prefer to give these dispatches to General Sheridan myself, and at once," was my reply. The General, who was sleeping in the same building, hearing our voices, called out, "Send the man in with the dispatches." I was ushered into the General's presence, and as we had met before he recognized me and said: "Hello, Cody, is that you?"

You are ushered in and seated in one of these low square chairs, usually cane seated. After the courtesies of the day and the hostess's comments on the fineness of your clothing, refreshments are brought in, cigars, cigarettes, wine, cake, and preserved cocoanut. Sometimes American beer is added as possibly more acceptable than the wine.

It will be the best thing, under the circumstances, I am sure. Follow me, sir." As they went along a narrow covered way, he called a servant and gave her an order, and then opening a door ushered the would-be bride and bridegroom into the chapel, and straight to the communion rail. Denas knelt down there, and for a few moments lost herself in sincere prayer.

"What is your name, young man?" asked the manager, eying the boy with interest. Whistler told him. "Dr. Morgan's son, from Seacove? Come in," and Whistler was ushered inside and the heavy door was again barricaded. "We have to keep locked up here like a fortress at night," said Mr. Santley. "Come in and let me hear what you have to say, young man. What do you know about Mr. Blake?"

I had only two thoughts that it meant certain death to my father and possibly Mr. Sempland the man I What was I to do? I might have sacrificed myself by letting Mr. Sempland run the risk, but my father, sir " She stopped and looked at him in pitiful entreaty. "Go on," said the general, inflexibly. "I had Mr. Sempland ushered into the strong room of the house the old Rennie house, you know, sir?"

As the servant ushered her in, Mrs. Graves heard loud voices coming from the drawing-room, and instantly recognized one of them as the clergyman's. "It's all very well, Mrs.

One morning, a week later, I went with Rasputin to the Ministry of the Interior, where we were ushered into the small, elegant private room of "Satan-in-a-silk-hat" Protopopoff, who greeted us cordially. But as soon as the door was closed, and he had invited us to be seated, he rose, turned the key, and, facing us, gravely said: "Gregory, I fear something serious is about to happen.

There was some hesitation. Then the porter appeared to reflect that a burglar would not arrive in a cab, and that a surreptitious lover would not ask for the schoolmistress. He gave his card, and was ushered into the chamber reserved for interviews with parents and guardians. The drawing-room had the air and faint smell of a room very seldom occupied.

"Sir James died this morning." "Good heavens!" cried Holmes in amazement. "How did he die?" "Perhaps you would care to step in, sir, and see his brother, Colonel Valentine?" "Yes, we had best do so." We were ushered into a dim-lit drawing-room, where an instant later we were joined by a very tall, handsome, light-beared man of fifty, the younger brother of the dead scientist.

We had come to hear a lecture and had expected to be ushered into an auditorium; but we had quite forgotten that this is the hour when all England takes its tea, the élite of the scientific world, seemingly, quite as much as the devotees of another kind of society.