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"P'r'aps you are not aware, sir, that the lady's Eye-talian 'usbin' ain't no good?" "I have heard something of the sort." "Then you've heard something right, sir. They do say as 'ow 'e beats her." "The scoundrel!" "Scoundrel! You should 'ave seen No. 18 last night when I tole 'im that. My conscience! 'E went on awful, 'e did. 'E seemed to be mad about Mrs. Capella." "He is her cousin." "Cousin!

Policeman, if I don't stop, me 'avin' a lot of work to do, as Susan's gone and Geraldine with 'er, not to speak of my 'usbin' that is to be, he havin' gone to see Mrs. Herne, drat her!" "Why has he gone to see Mrs. Herne?" asked Jennings quickly. "Arsk me another," said the cook querulously, "he's a secret one is Thomas Barnes, whatever you may say.

"My ma 'ad a grite friend, sold winkles; 'er 'usbin was lost at sea for years and years, till just wen she was comfortably settled with 'er second, along 'e comes, as large as loife. Besides, I've read of such things in the Princess Novelettes; only there it's most generally lovers, not 'usbins, nor yet fathers. Would you know yours again, if you seen 'im?"

"My ma 'ad a grite friend, sold winkles; 'er 'usbin was lost at sea for years and years, till just wen she was comfortably settled with 'er second, along 'e comes, as large as loife. Besides, I've read of such things in the Princess Novelettes; only there it's most generally lovers, not 'usbins, nor yet fathers. Would you know yours again, if you seen 'im?"