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Obadiah Strout, on his first visit, "your father's money started this business, but I've worked mighty hard to build it up to what it is now. I s'pose one of these days you'll be weighin' sugar and drawin' 'lasses." "I guess not," exclaimed Hiram. "Rich men's sons don't us'ally take to their father's business." "You're right for once, Hiram," Mr. Strout acknowledged.

"I run across a great scheme down there," he volunteered amiably, by way of preface; "I described everything in full, in as many words as I could think up; it's mighty filling, and it'll please the public, too; it gives 'em a lot more information than they us'ally git. I reckon there's two sticks of jest them extry words alone." "Go on," said the foreman, rather ominously.

"Goodness! Why not?" "'Cause he ain't a sea-goin' man. There's a few o' such amongst Cape Codders. Us'ally they go away from the sea before they git found out, though." "'Found out?" the girl repeated with exasperation. "Found out in what?" "That they're scare't o' blue water," Washy said decidedly. "Nobody 'round here ever seen Cap'n Abe outside the Haven.

"Aw, shucks!" returned the woodsman. "What's a b'ar? B'ar's is us'ally as skeery as rabbits, unless they are mighty hungry. And ye don't often meet a hungry bear this time o' year. They are mostly housed up for the winter in some warm hole." "But what would these girls do if they met a bear, Mr. Todd?" asked Mr. Cameron, laughing.

"Wa-al I might," confessed Dexter, looking her over with a quizzical smile. "But us'ally the Days ain't in no hurry." "Then this is one Day who is in a hurry," she said, briefly. "What is your charge for delivering the trunk, sir?" "Oh 'bout a quarter, Miss. And gimme that suitcase, too. 'Twon't cost ye no more, and I'll git 'em there before Jason and you reach the house.

She's having a battle with it every night of life, anyway. God help her, she'll have luck better than some of us, or she'll be fighting it the other way about one of these days." "She's us'ally going off with the spoon in her mouth, sir, for all the world like a lil cherub," said Nancy. "Too busy looking at her godfather to-night, though," said Pete. "Well, look at him.

That's as conscience bids ye. . . . But one warnin' I'll give A bad friend don't us'ally make a good husband." He motioned to Dinah to lead the way to the parlour, and so, with a jerk of the head, took his leave, not without dignity. Mrs Bosenna promptly burst into tears. Maybe he had, to begin with, some intention of proffering it.

But before Tom appeared Ruth saw, on one of her excursions into the yard, the old, dock-tailed, bony horse of Jasper Parloe drawing that gentleman in his rickety wagon up to the mill door. "Hi, Jabe!" called Jasper, in his cracked voice. "Hi, Jabe! Here's a grindin' for ye. And for massy's sake don't take out a double toll as you us'ally do.

You know what they be the one bird in all the seven seas that don't us'ally need a dry spot for the sole of his foot. If Noah had sent out one from the ark he'd never have come back with any sprig of promise for the land-hungry wanderers shut up in that craft. "'Tis bad luck they do say to kill an albatross. Some sailors claim ev'ry one o' them is inhabited by a lost soul.

"We have no hotel in Bullertown, sah," the old negro preacher answered, "but the gen'lemen that come hyar do me the honor us'ally, sah, of bein' my guests. Ah have a guest-room, sah, jes' 'sclusively fo' gen'lemen who are not people of color."