United States or Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The captain kicked the goal which tied the score while a continuous din of unorganized shouting rose from the Ridgley stands. It was no moment for organized cheering. The cheer leader himself was leaping up and down, throwing his megaphone into the air and emitting war whoops which were drowned and assimilated by the volume of shouts that echoed back and forth.

Statistics show that with the greater birth-rate of the immigrants there is a corresponding decline in the native birth-rate, so that the alien is supplanting the native American stock. Along with race degeneracy goes lack of industrial skill and declining wages, for the foreigner is ignorant, often unorganized, and willing to work and live under worse conditions than the native American.

Under this law the well-known labor leader, Peter Bowling, was sentenced to one year of imprisonment. The unions violently denounced this enactment, but chiefly as they had denounced previous legislation, on the ground that it permitted unorganized workmen to apply for relief under the law.

I allude to the immense, unorganized mass of literature in all departments, representing the accumulated acquisitions of past ages, which must form the basis of our own achievement, but with which our present methods of education seem inadequate to deal properly.

Priests and deacons were ordained, and missionaries provided, to keep alive the expiring flame of devotion in such members as were deprived of the ordinary administrations by dwelling in new and unorganized districts. Of this number was Mr. Grant.

There are, for example, the unorganized myriads that one can cover by the phrase "mechanics and engineers," if one uses it in its widest possible sense. At present it would be almost impossible to describe such a thing as a typical engineer, to predicate any universally applicable characteristic of the engineer and mechanic.

Remember also that soundest teacup does not always hold the best tea, or the cracked teacup the worst. This is a hint to the reader, who is not expected to be too curious about the individual Teacups constituting our unorganized association. The Dictator Discourses. I have been reading Balzac's Peau de Chagrin.

He would have all this against him. And to such a struggle I could see no end for him but jail. For against all this, on his side, was a chaotic army of ignorant men, stokers, dockers, teamsters, scattered all over this immense region, practically unorganized. What possible chance to bring them together? How could he feel that he had a chance? How much did he already know?

In unorganized industries, it will sometimes be found that the classification of occupations is very defective. If wage standardization were to be introduced into those industries, it would be found necessary to standardize occupations first. Such was the task undertaken, for example, by the War Labor Board in the Worthington Pump and Machinery case.

A determined and well-organized minority had succeeded in imposing its will upon an unorganized, heterogeneous, and leaderless majority. As soon as a province was occupied by the Insurgents it was divided into territorial zones within which command was exerted by military officers.