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Skin-like immaculateness had grown over Soames, as over many Londoners; impossible to conceive of him with a hair out of place, a tie deviating one-eighth of an inch from the perpendicular, a collar unglossed! He would not have gone without a bath for worlds it was the fashion to take baths; and how bitter was his scorn of people who omitted them!

Of the actual inhabitants beyond the Rhine, ignorance was kept widespread. German femininity was assumed to be of a predominating excellence to match that of German masculinity. No study of a people is indeed complete without an unglossed inquiry into its conduct toward its women and children.

Skin-like immaculateness had grown over Soames, as over many Londoners; impossible to conceive of him with a hair out of place, a tie deviating one-eighth of an inch from the perpendicular, a collar unglossed! He would not have gone without a bath for worlds it was the fashion to take baths; and how bitter was his scorn of people who omitted them!

Let there be plain truth between us at this interview, if there never has been before." "I don't understand you." "Naked truth, unglossed over," she pursued, bending her eyes determinately upon him. "It must be." "With all my heart," returned Sir Francis. "It is you who have thrown out the challenge, mind."