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Harrison's the big, tall one had wandered over here that day again and broke into the yard, and it got into the back porch, unbeknowns to us, and it was there when the minister appeared in the doorway. It made one wild bolt to get out, but there was nowhere to bolt to except between them bow legs.

"And right here is the very direction which is wrote on all the newspaper-bags which was to be put out for the Injuns for to keep 'em quiet. It's most uncommon lucky, becuz it's so nation dark I should 'a' gone by unbeknowns if that air thoroughbrace hadn't broke."

"For the letters, ma'am. Unbeknowns to one another we went to Mr Benny Mr Peter Benny he havin' a gift with his pen " 'Bias hesitated again, faltered, and came to a stop, aware that Mrs Bosenna's smile had changed to a frown; that she was regarding him with disapproval in her eyes, and that a red spot had declared itself suddenly upon either cheek.

"I'm a new client, Bunny; that makes all the difference. Then we were very good pals out there." "But you and Mrs. Shylock were better still?" "Unbeknowns, Bunny! She used to tell me her troubles when I lent her an arm and took due care to look a martyr; my hunting friend had coarse metaphors about heavy-weights and the knacker's yard." "And yet you came away with the poor soul's necklace?"

Could you be our guest speaker?" I answered, "Yes, if you want me. I am on my way home, and Brother Green was expecting to meet me at my place, and I was planning on taking him from my home on to the convention." Again, I could see how the Lord directed many times, unbeknowns to me. A lady brought her sister who was in the last stages of tuberculosis to the camp meeting at Saint Paul Park, Minn.

Well, now, if I can slip out o' Falmouth unbeknowns to him, an' win to your father on the Plymouth road, I've heard you say and a little this side of St. Germans " "You might walk over to Penryn and pick up the night coach." Captain Coffin shook his head as he turned out his pockets. "One shilling, lad, an' two ha'pennies. It won't carry me. An' I daren' go home to refit; an' I daren' send you."

I told you I sometimes did weird things that astonished the natives of these suburban shores. Well, last night, if it wasn't early this morning, I made my weirdest effort yet. I have a canoe, you know; just now I almost live in it. Last night I went out unbeknowns after midnight, partly to reassure myself, partly I beg your pardon, Mr. Manders?" "I didn't speak." "Your face shouted!"

But mind you, there ain't anything ever reely lost; everything that people can't understand and don't see the reason of does good if you only hold on and give it a fair shake; Prov'dence don't fire no blank ca'tridges, boys. That there missionary's substance, unbeknowns to himself, actu'ly converted every last one of them heathens that took a chance at the barbacue.

"Better fit there was no need, and you'd played fair." "'Played fair'!" Cai flamed up at last "I don't take that from you, 'Bias Hunken, nor yet from any one! You fell into your own trap that's what happened to you. . . . 'Played fair'? I suppose you was playin' fair when you sneaked off unbeknowns and early to Rilla that mornin', after we'd agreed " "Well?" asked 'Bias, as Cai came to a halt.

My father, sending my mother and brother to a place of safety, held up the chimney to prevent a total downfall; while the baby, who had been pushed under the bed in her cradle, lay there, as "Sairey Gamp" would express it, "smiling unbeknowns," until the wind subsided, when, upon being drawn out from her hiding-place, she evinced great pleasure at the commotion, and seemed to take it all as something designed especially for her amusement.