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The fellow looked almost ludicrously solemn at this moment. He took himself and his art right seriously, there could be no doubt of it. His face was a map of the emotions expressed by the music, and wore, besides, according to his conception of the part, the look of a great man unacclaimed by his own generation. Dio! what an ugly little man! Gerald closed his eyes again.

Indeed, on more than one occasion he had found it quite a hindrance to the development of his little plans. To go his own quiet way, unheralded by the press and unacclaimed of men that was the modest ambition of Mr. Jarvice. "However, I don't look forward to handing over a thousand pounds to Captain Barstow," he continued, softly. "No, indeed.

Had he not desisted with such Puritanical severity from feeding the people on popular songs, opera selections, and favourite melodies, his activity would have been much better rewarded. As it was, his name was mentioned with respect, but he passed through the streets unacclaimed. Regina Sussmann was always on hand when he gave a concert. He knew it, even if he did not see her.

The fact is that great men, in literature at all events, must be content, at the present time, to be unrecognised and unacclaimed. They must be content to be of the happy company of whom Mr. Swinburne writes: "In the garden of death, where the singers, whose names are deathless, One with another make music unheard of men."