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"Who wore the royal kaross?" asked Dingaan, eagerly; and both looked up, waiting on my words. "The Prince Umhlangana wore it in the dream of Chaka O Dingaan, shoot of a royal stock!" I answered slowly, taking snuff as I spoke, and watching the two of them over the edge of my snuff-spoon. Now Dingaan scowled heavily at Umhlangana; but the face of Umhlangana was as the morning sky.

Then I came back to the kraal with the few that were left alive of the two regiments. After that the two kings quarrelled more and more, and I weighed them both in my balance, for I would know which was the most favourable to me. In the end I found that both feared me, but that Umhlangana would certainly put me to death if he gained the upper hand, whereas this was not yet in the mind of Dingaan.

Then this same Chaka had robbed him of his wives and murdered his children, in revenge for which he had plotted the slaying of Chaka, as he did that of his brothers, Umhlangana and Dingaan, the latter of whom he involved in a quarrel with the Boers. Subsequently he brought about the war between the princes Cetewayo and Umbelazi, in which I played a part.

I knew well that the brothers of the king went heavily and in fear of death, for his shadow was on them. With Panda, indeed, little could be done, for he lived softly, speaking always as one whose wits are few. But Dingaan and Umhlangana were of another wood, and from them might be fashioned a kerrie that should scatter the brains of Chaka to the birds.

Perhaps it will be given to me to live a little while after ye are gone, and I may bring them to their ears." "Can we not rise up now and fall upon Chaka?" asked Dingaan. "It is not possible," I said; "the king is guarded." "Hast thou no plan, Mopo?" groaned Umhlangana. "Methinks thou hast a plan to save us." "And if I have a plan, ye Princes, what shall be my reward?

Now he was dead and the regiment of the Bees drew near, nor could I know how they would take this matter, for, though the Prince Umhlangana was their general, yet all the soldiers loved the king, because he had no equal in battle, and when he gave he gave with an open hand.

Dingaan and Umhlangana, brothers of the king, were there, for Chaka would not suffer them to depart, fearing lest they should plot against him, and he looked on them always with an angry eye, so that they trembled for their lives, though they dared not show their fear lest fate should follow fear.

I killed him with Dingaan and Umhlangana the princes; but the wound was mine that his life crept out of, and but for me he would never have been slain. I killed him with the princes, but Dingaan, I and one other slew alone. The Zulu Napoleon, one of the greatest geniuses and most wicked men who ever lived. He was killed in the year 1828, having slaughtered more than a million human beings.

"All that there is to know, I think, Macumazahn, seeing that I was at the bottom of it, and that Dingaan killed those Boers on my advice just as he killed Chaka and Umhlangana." "You cold-blooded old murderer " I began, but he interrupted me at once. "Why do you throw evil names at me, Macumazahn, as I threw the stone of your fate at you just now?

Dingaan listened, and his brow grew dark, yet he was not so firmly seated on the throne that he dared put away our words, for still there were many in the land who loved the memory of Chaka, and remembered that Dingaan had murdered him and Umhlangana also.