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"Rose Danville," continued Lomaque, impassibly, "you are included in the arrest of Louis Trudaine." Rose raised her head quickly from her brother's breast. His firmness had deserted him he was trembling. She heard him whispering to himself, "Rose, too! Oh, my God! I was not prepared for that."

"As to the escape of Citizen Trudaine and the wife of Danville from the guillotine, it was the work of political circumstances, which there are persons living to speak to if necessary; and of a little stratagem of mine, which need not be referred to now.

This may be a case of strange accidental resemblance, which would be enough, under the circumstances, to discompose any man. You will excuse me, citizen," he continued, turning to Trudaine; "but you are a stranger. You have given us no proof of your identity." "There is the proof," said Trudaine, pointing to Danville's face.

Next day after the fall of Chamillart, it became known that the triumph of Madame de Maintenon was completed, and that Voysin, her creature, was the succeeding Secretary of State. This Voysin had the one indispensable quality for admission into the counsels of Louis XIV. not a drop of noble blood in his veins. He had married, in 1683, the daughter of Trudaine.

On my road here, the diligence by which I travel is passed by a carriage, posting along at full speed. I cannot see inside that carriage; but I look at the box-seat, and recognize on it the old man Dubois. He whirls by in a cloud of dust, but I am certain of him; and I say to myself what I now say again to you, no time is to be lost!" "No time shall be lost," answers, Trudaine, firmly.

"Camille Desmoulins has appealed to the people in the Palais Royal; there are fears of a riot." "Only a riot!" repeated Lomaque, sarcastically. "Oh, what a brave Government not to be afraid of anything worse! Any letters?" he added, hastily dropping the subject. "None to the house," said the postman, "only one from it, given me by Monsieur Trudaine.

"You will find your sister waiting for you in our apartment at the hotel," said the latter. "She knows nothing, absolutely nothing, of what has passed." "But the recognition?" asked Trudaine, amazedly. "His mother saw her. Surely she " "I managed it so that she should be seen, and should not see.

She paused for a moment, and half turned toward Trudaine then checked herself instantly and went on: "This is what I now wish to say, as to my share in the offense charged against my brother. Some time ago, he told me one day that he had seen my husband's mother in Paris, disguised as a poor woman; that he had spoken to her, and forced her to acknowledge herself.

I order you, my son, to accompany me back to Rouen. We are the bridegroom's party, and we have no business overnight at the house of the bride. You meet no more till you meet at the church. Justin, my coach! Lomaque, pick up my hood. Monsieur Trudaine, thanks for your hospitality; I shall hope to return it with interest the first time you are in our neighborhood.

What charge will be laid to him, or when he will be brought to trial, it is impossible to say. I only know that he is arrested. Hush! don't talk now; my friend outside is coming back. Keep quiet hope everything from the chances and changes of public affairs; and comfort yourself with the thought that you are both safe for to-day." "And to-morrow?" whispered Trudaine.