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"I have during the last month," wrote the prelate, "commissioned two most good and virtuous apostles to go to an Iroquois community which has been for some years established quite near us on the northern side of the great Lake Ontario. One is M. de Fénelon, whose name is well-known in Paris, and the other M. Trouvé.

"J'ai trouvé votre lettre fort

The dialogue of the author of the School for Scandal is artificial and glittering that of the author of School is generally more natural, and always less brilliant. They have, however, one point in common: they both practiced Molière's maxim, Je prends mon bien je le trouve. They both unhesitatingly plagiarized. Robertson in particular easily assimilated foreign matter.

His wit flies out on clear-cut, swallow-like wings; in speaking of Paul Alexis' book "Le Besoin d'aimer," he said: "Vous avez trouvé un titre assez laid pour faire reculer les divines étoiles." I know not what instrument to compare with his verse. I suppose I should say a flute; but it seems to me more like a marvellously toned piano.

It was up one of these minarets that the Duchesse de Persigny ascended, and when prayer was called she refused to come down. The Shaykh sent all kinds of emissaries and entreaties, to whom she replied: "Dites as Shaykh que je suis la Duchesse de Persigny, que jet me trouve fort bien ici, et que je ne descendrai que quan cela me plaira." She did not please for three- quarters of an hour.

"Monsieur ne se trouve pas bien?" he said anxiously. "I'm tired of waiting, Pierre," I said, as distinctly and emphatically as I could, like a man determined to be sober in spite of wine; "I'm afraid something has happened to my father he's usually so punctual. Run to the Hotel des Bergues and see if he is there."

Her father, on his part, was urgent that she should marry again. Ce religieux, apres y avoir serieusement reflechi devant Dieu, lui repondit qu'il croyait avoir trouve un moyen de tout concilier." Among her acquaintance was M. de Bernieres, a gentleman of high rank, great wealth, and zealous devotion. She wrote to him, explained the situation, and requested him to feign a marriage with her.

«Tous ces grès font effervescence avec l'eau-forte, mais les parties du réseau ferrugineux en font beaucoup moins que le fond même du grès. De même si l'on compare entr'eux les grès qui renferment des cailloux avec ceux qui n'en contiennent pas, on trouve dans ceux-ci plus de gluten calcaire, l'eau-forte diminue beaucoup plus leur cohérence.

Thus, in the case of Clementine Trouve, who figures in my story as Sophie the patient who, after suffering for a long time from a horrid open sore on her foot, was suddenly cured, according to current report, by bathing her foot in the piscina, where the bandages fell off, and her foot was entirely restored to a healthy condition I investigated that case thoroughly.

The boy was brought up in Lucknow, where he lived some time, and may, for aught I know, be living still. He was quite unable to articulate words, but had a dog-like intellect quick at understanding signs, and so on. Another enfant trouvé, under the same circumstances, lived with two English people for some time.