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His wit flies out on clear-cut, swallow-like wings as when he said, in speaking of Paul Alexis' book "Le Besoin d'aimer," "Vous avez trouvez un titre assez laid pour faire reculer les divines étoiles." I know not what instrument to compare with his verse. I suppose I should say a flute; but it seems to me more like a marvellously toned piano.

In my opinion you will be in a great deal less; for, the greater your renown, the less power will your enemies have, whatever may be their inclination, to meddle with you. Perhaps they only at present desist to look out for a better opportunity, 'reculer pour mieux sauter, like the tiger.

"A cette epoque nous eprouvions les effets les plus singuliers du mirage; tantot les terres les plus uniformes et les plus basses nous paroissoient portees au dessus des eaux, et profondement dechirrees dans toutes leurs parties; tantot leurs cretes superieures sembloient renversees, et reposer ainsi sur les vagues; a chaque instant on croyoit voir au large de longues chaines de recifs, et de brisans qui sembloient se reculer a mesure qu'on s'en approchoit davantage."

"A cette epoque nous eprouvions les effets les plus singuliers du mirage; tantot les terres les plus uniformes et les plus basses nous paroissoient portees au dessus des eaux, et profondement dechirrees dans toutes leurs parties; tantot leurs cretes superieures sembloient renversees, et reposer ainsi sur les vagues; a chaque instant on croyoit voir au large de longues chaines de recifs, et de brisans qui sembloient se reculer a mesure qu'on s'en approchoit davantage."

'It's nearly finished, he flashed back; 'you've been its inspiration and its climax. All these years, when we thought ourselves apart, you've been helping really underground that's true collaboration. 'Our little separation was but a reculer pour mieux sauter. See how we've rushed together again!

I could have left a train of gunpowder and a slow match behind, I was so cross! 'Ah, "Reculer pour mieux faire sauter!" said Sir John, mincing out his pun as though he loved it. 'Not bad, Sir John, she said, looking at him calmly, 'but you have way to make up. You were so dull the last time you took me in to dinner, that positively

I could have left a train of gunpowder and a slow match behind, I was so cross! 'Ah "Reculer pour mieux faire sauter!" said Sir John, mincing out his pun as though he loved it. 'Not bad, Sir John, she said, looking at him calmly, 'but you have way to make up. You were so dull the last time you took me in to dinner, that positively

Ainsi crois que, loin de souffrir des devoirs que je me suis imposes, j'y trouve la plus profonde satisfaction, et que je me trouve plus respectable que si je ne faisais rien." "WEST LODGE. Vendredi. "J'avais l'intention de partir aujourd'hui mais la tante Susan parait tellement triste quand je parle de m'en aller que j'ai du reculer mon depart jusqu'a lundi.

Henson has had to fight his way into notice, and that he has never lost the defect of those qualities which enabled him so victoriously to reach the mitred top of the ecclesiastical tree. He has climbed. He has loved climbing. Perhaps he has so got into this bracing habit that he may even "climb down," if only in order once more to ascend a new rendering of reculer pour mieux sauter.

I know it is supposed, that, if good terms of capitulation are not granted, after we have thus so repeatedly hung out the white flag, the national spirit will revive with tenfold ardor. This is an experiment cautiously to be made. Reculer pour mieux sauter, according to the French byword, cannot be trusted to as a general rule of conduct.