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No matter how rich a man may be, if unpolished, ignorant, or rude, he is nobody in a party which seeks "the feast of reason and the flow of soul." He is utterly insignificant, rebuked, and humiliated, even as a brainless beauty finds herself de trop in a circle of wits.

'Me and my niece have been a-laughing at it and a-noticing of it all the evening, said Barbara's uncle. Carl told the story. 'I'll have it in the papers, said Milford the manager. 'Stunning good advertisement; Eh? No names, of course. Oh dear, no; no names! Then the manager and the dramatist suddenly felt themselves de trop, and Carl, catching the infection, went with them.

I heff a tifficuldy to rigolict naymps. I yoost taught I voot trop in und trop a verte to you apowt Mr. Richlun, vot maypy you titn't herr udt before, yet." "Yes," said the Doctor, with ill-concealed contempt. "Well, speak it out, Mr. Reisen; time is precious." The German smiled and made a silly gesture of assent. "Yes, udt is brecious.

Together they moved noiselessly across the grass, but by tacit agreement not back to the piazza. For a minute of silence they strayed down the wood road, beneath the moon. Dunham was first to break the embarrassed silence. "By Jove, for a minute there I felt de trop. The fair Sylvia was having fun with the cook, wasn't she? I wonder what she's really up to?"

Chapter vii. 1. dans la conuersation de gents doctes & habiles ne debitez pas des bagatelles, & n'auancez pas des discours trop releuez parmy les ignorants, qu'ils ne soient po[note: word missing here] capables d'entendre, ou qu'ils ne puissent pas croire fort facilement. ne debutez pas toûjours par des prouerbes, particulierement parmy vos égaux, & bien moins auec vos superieurs. ne parlez point de choses

At any rate, as his enemy Saint-Beuve expressed it concisely: "M. de Balzac est trop gros pour nos fauteuils," and while men who are now absolutely unknown entered the sacred precincts without difficulty, the door remained permanently closed to the greatest novelist of the age.

"Cette definition, que nous traduisons litteralement, n'est pas lumineuse; elle conviendrait egalement a la maniere dont Alexandre parle et agit dans Plutarque, et a celle dont Sancho parle et agit dans Cervantes. II y a apparence que l'humour est comme l'esprit, et que ceux qui en ont le plus ne savent pas trop bien ce que c'est.

Chapter viii. 34. Ne boiuez point trop lentement ny trop

What! You will not play with me? Here he pulled out some cards, and spoke in French as two soldiers came up. 'Milor est trop grand seigneur? Bonjour, my lord! "And the man made me a mock bow, and walked away, shrugging up his shoulders, to offer to play and drink elsewhere. "I knew now that the Biche was to be the agent in the affair, and that my offer to Museau was accepted.

It was possible that she was beginning to feel that Captain Heath was as de trop now as her husband had been a moment before. Standing there, however, between them both, idly tracing a pattern on the carpet with the toe of her slipper, she looked prettier than she had ever looked as Kitty Carter. Her slight figure was more fully developed.