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And as they turned out of the avenue into one of the palatial streets that run towards the Avenue Victor Hugo, he made the gesture of throwing a coin into the air. "Il ne faut jamais se laisser trop voir, meme a ceux qui nous aiment." It was not very definitely known what Mademoiselle Brun taught in the School of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in the Rue du Cherche-Midi in Paris.

The foolish virgins confess their sins and beg their sisters for help. They sing in Latin, and their three strophes have a melody different from that of the preceding strophes. They terminate, like the others, with a sad and plaintive refrain, of which the words are Provençal: "Dolentas! Chaitivas! trop i avem dormit." In modern French this line reads, "Malheureuses! Chétives!

His face was concealed in the folds of his cloak. 'Blown over, muttered the Padre as he turned his back upon Bobadilla and went on towards his church. 'Blown over, of course; but what is Concepcion Vara doing in the neighbourhood of Ronda to- night? 'Une bonne intention est une echelle trop courte.

I could loan you some, you know," Lord Hardy said; and Daisy replied: "Yes; 'tis an awful shame!" Then after a moment she added; "Teddy, I've been thinking. I expect my Cousin Sue from Bangor every day." "Ye-es," Teddy replied, slowly, and thinking at once that a cousin Sue might be de trop. "Is she nice? How does she look? any like you?" "No; more like you, Ted.

If he had means of living no one knew it; if he was in debt no one ever heard of it; if he had a care in the world he concealed it. He abounded in acquaintances who were always glad to see him, and would have regarded it as quite de trop to have a friend.

As a matter of fact, we were waiting to tell Jane some private news we had just heard about a young chap in the guards, who was in fearful hot water for ragging. His colonel was an old friend of Jane's, and we thought she could put in a word, and improve matters for Billy. So Mrs. Fussy was very much de trop, and didn't know it.

Vandervelt could be made ambassador to England, at least this time. But he kem so near it that Quincy Livingstone complimented me on my interest for Mr. Vandervelt. And just the same, Dan Dillon would have won had he run for the office. It was with him a case of not wantin' to be de trop." "Your French is três propos, Anne," said Monsignor with a laugh.

"Well, it's to be hoped you're wrong," said Adrienne, smiling, and again Diana thought she detected a glance of mutual understanding pass between the actress and Max Errington. A little uncomfortable sense as of being de trop invaded her. She felt that for some reason Errington would be glad when she had gone.

"Monsieur de l'Orge," says he, shouting out at the top of his voice, "have the goodness to help Lady Griffin. She wanted MY grapes long ago, and has found out they are sour!" There was a dead paws of a moment or so. "Ah!" says my lady, "vous osez m'insulter, devant mes gens, dans ma propre maison c'est par trop fort, monsieur." And up she got, and flung out of the room.

There is no elasticity in her firmness to prevent it from degenerating into obstinacy. It is not the firmness of the tree that bends without breaking, but the firmness of a certain long-eared animal whose force of character has impressed itself on the common mind and become proverbial. Jean Paul says if "Pas trop gouverner" is the best rule in politics, it is equally true of discipline.