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"Ma". They Had a Pie-baking Contest in Gondrecourt One Day. A Letter of Inspiration from the Commander. The Salvation Army Boy Truck Driver. The Centuries-old Gray Cemetery in Treveray. Colonel Barker Placing the Commander's Flowers on Lieutenant Quentin Roosevelt's Grave. The Salvation Army Boy Who Drove the Famous Doughnut Truck.

All this, besides the regular uses of the hut, which included a library, piano, phonograph, games, magazines, pies, doughnuts and coffee; the pie line being followed by a regular Salvation Army meeting where men raised their hands to be prayed for, and many found Christ as their Saviour. It was in an old French barracks that they located the Salvation Army canteen in Treveray.

The lassies lingered to take pictures of the graves and that night they wrote letters describing the ceremony, to be sent with the photographs to the War Department at Washington with the request that they be forwarded to the nearest relatives of the five men buried at Treveray.

One Salvation Army woman writing home told of the plans they had made in Treveray for Decoration Day; how Commander Booth was sending enough American flags to decorate every American grave in France, and how they meant to gather flowers and put with the flags, and have a little service of prayer over the graves. In the gray old French cemetery of Treveray five American boys lay buried.