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"Good boy!" called one of the Italians, the lantern lighting his smiling face as it appeared framed by the trapway for an instant. "Not so very long to wait. Let you out so you go home, bimeby." Then the trapdoor was gently put tack in place, after which Jack heard the click of a padlock above to secure the barrier in place.

Besides, these men, smiling and polite as they now appeared, might have tempers bad enough to lead them to resort to Italian steel, if they had to do it. Therefore Jack nodded, then knelt at the trapway, and next, with an inward prayer, let himself drop down into the darkness. He landed on damp, soft earth.

They conducted him through into a rear room, where one of the pair raised a trap-door in the floor. "Now, this is easy," smiled one of the pair, pointing to the darkness under the open trap. "We have take ladder away, but you can drop. Not far." Then, seeing a look of alarm flit across the boy's face, the fellow laughed, adding: "No hurt. All right. See?" He dropped a stone through the trapway.

"Because, sir," and Jack's jaws snapped, "if we've been insulted in this fashion by an old derelict, I don't believe in letting the old derelict get off so easily, sir." Lieutenant Danvers knitted his brow, thoughtfully, as he hurried down the stairs, then followed Ewald through a steel trapway into the cramped compartments under the cabin flooring. In three or four minutes Mr.

Hester slipped on her dressing-gown, and Cherry an old macintosh, and they stole up the creaking stairs. "Oh, you anointed limbs!" exclaimed Cherry, coming to a halt on the top. The door of the children's garret stood ajar. On the landing outside a short ladder led up to a trapdoor in the eaves, and through the open trapway a broad ray of moonlight streamed upon the staircase.