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"Oh! no soul is sad alongside me. I lift up their poor little hearts with my consigne: 'Courage, tout le monde, le diable est mort. Ha! ha!" "So be it, then," said Gerard. "But take back your belt, for I could never trust by halves. We will go together as far as Rhine, and God go with us both!" "Amen!" said Denys, and lifted his cap. "En avant!"

His work was entitled La Nobiliaire de Picardie, contenant les Generalites d'Amiens, de Soissons, des pays reconquis, et partie de l'Election de Beauvais, le tout justifie conformement aux Jugemens rendus en faveur de la Province.

Samuel Deacon, a most respectable Baptist minister, who resided at Barton in Leicestershire, was not peculiarly happy in his cast of countenance or general appearance; conscious of the silly ridicule his unprepossessing tout ensemble occasionally excited, he made the following good-humoured, quaint remark:

Why did the flute play the chromatic scale when the boy said, "Il faut que cela soit un grand navire," and why were all the cellos in motion when the girl answered, "Cela ou bien tout autre chose?" I suffered because of the divorce of the orchestra and singers, uniting perhaps at the end of the scene.

Si l'on suit constamment cette méthode ils seront forcés, ou de combattre avec désavantage, et par conséquent de tout risquer, ou de faire retraite devant l'armée. Dans le cas ils prendroient ce dernier parti, on mettra de la cavalerie

"C'est beau, tout de meme, when one is young and rich." This was a generous partisan, a girl with a miniature copy of her own round face a copy that was tied up in a shawl, very snug; it was a bundle that could not possibly be in any one's way, even on a somewhat prolonged tour of observation of Havre's shipping interests. "And the blonde one what do you think of her, hein?"

With the visage of the animal turned to the front, and the full plume-like tail, with its alternate rings, drooping to the shoulder, it forms a head-dress that is far from ungraceful. A belt around the waist a short hunting-knife in its sheath a large powder-horn hanging below the arm-pit a bullet-pouch underneath, and voila tout!

"I will pretend that you are a charming dryad, and I what shall I be?" "My friend," she said calmly, and drew her hand away from him. "Votre ami? Avec tout mon coeur. I will be your best friend." He held out his hand. "Then you will do what I ask? You are also a good friend of Mrs. Wentworth?" A little cloud flitted over his face but she did not see it.

A tout preferons la patrie: Avant tout soyons Canadiens." Chamilly rose upon the rostrum when Grandmoulin went down. He opened quietly, after the exciting peroration of his opponent, and in a manner which lulled and calmed the assembly. "People of Dormillière, I have had a cause for wonder during Mr. Grandmoulin's discourse.

Such a thing never happened before: a woman who succeeded on the stage, who has not yet failed, whose voice is still fresh, who is in full possession of her art, to say suddenly, 'Money and applause are nothing to me, I prefer a few simple nuns to art and society. Nothing seems to happen in life, life is always the same; rien ne change mais pourtant tout arrive, even the rare event of a successful actress relinquishing the stage."