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In the closing hours, when at length all hope was abandoned, he was more than once heard to say: 'Tout est fini. On the eighth day, when death itself was approaching, his family and friends among these, Pourtales withdrew to an adjoining room, keeping watch over the patient through the open door.

Je suis de tout mon coeur," etc. His sister later had a target painted for a club of Salzburg friends who met for crossbow practice, and the target represented "the melancholy farewell of two persons dissolved in tears, Wolfgang and the Bäsle." His flirtations with his cousin seemed to have angered his father, who was eager for him to go to France and conquer Paris.

"Hout tout, man! let that flee stick in the wa'," answered his kinsman; "when the dirt's dry it will rub out Your father, honest man, could look ower a friend's fault as weel as anither." "Ye may be right, Robin," replied the Bailie, after a moment's reflection; "he was a considerate man the deacon; he ken'd we had a' our frailties, and he lo'ed his friends Ye'll no hae forgotten him, Robin?"

No, I'll belay, and let my betters get a word in now." "You are more merciful than most story-tellers, sir," said Talboys. Eve tossed her head and looked at Lucy, who with a word could have the story go on again. That young lady's face expressed general complacency, politeness, and tout m'est egal. Eve could have beat her for not taking David's part. "Doubleface!" thought she.

Never fear about your illness; it is merely nervous exhaustion, and you will be well soon; but such evenings must not often be indulged in if you are not desirous of shortening your life. I shall hope to meet you at Mme. de Metternich's on Monday. "Tout

Audley, on the contrary, is inclined to be spare; and his figure, though the muscles are as firm as iron, has enough of the slender to satisfy metropolitan ideas of elegance. His dress, his look, his /tout ensemble/, are those of the London man.

The successes of the Allies during the conferences at Chatillon had opened to their view the road to Paris, while Napoleon shrunk from the necessity of signing his own disgrace. In these circumstances was to be found the sole cause of his ruin, and he might have said, "Tout est perdu, fors la gloire." His glory is immortal.

I am ignorant of the designs of Heaven respecting me and my subjects; but I know the obligations which God has imposed upon me. As a Christian, I will fulfil my duties to my last breath as the son of St. Louis, I would, like him, respect myself even in chains as the successor of Francis I., I say with him 'Tout est perdu fors l'honneur'.

L'Italie pourrait jouer un rôle de tout premier ordre en faveur du maintien de la paix, en exerçant l'influence nécessaire sur l'Autriche et en adoptant une attitude nettement défavorable au conflit, car ce dernier ne saurait être localisé. Il est désirable que vous exprimiez la conviction qu'il est impossible pour la Russie de ne pas venir en aide

Probably he was trying to get away. It was the last order he gave, and the last fuse to be used to set fire to the funeral pile. Procureur de la Commune, Ici tout va bien.