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'You will find Milord the same as ever toujours galant; always thinking of la beauté, et les femmes. Lord Dungory was the kind of man that is often seen with the Mrs. Barton type of woman. An elderly beau verging on the sixties, who, like Mrs. Barton, suggested a period. His period was very early Victorian, but he no longer wore a silk hat in the country.

At the end of this time, having received no answer, he used to beguile his impatience by rambling on the sea shore, or watching the sports of the peasants, till at length, evidently heart-sick and desperate, he set out for Toulon on the rash expedition which closed his career. "Toujours, toujours, il avoit la mine triste.

The testimony of a leading French press organ is worth reproducing here: "La situation du Président Wilson dans nos démocraties est magnifique, souveraine et extrêmement périlleuse. On ne connaît pas d'hommes, dans les temps contemporains, ayant eu plus d'autorité et de puissance; la popularité lui a donné ce que le droit divin ne conférait pas toujours aux monarques héréditaires. En revanche et par le fait du choc en retour, sa responsabilité est supérieure

All these make intensely interesting reading, for these fanciful discussions, which are supposed to take place, sometimes between a man and a woman, sometimes between a mixed company in a garden or villa or some bath resort where many are gathered together, are really a record of the intellectual amusements of the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. “Que devez-vous préférer, du plaisir qui va vous échapper bientôt, ou d’une espérance toujours vive, quoique toujours trompée?” “Which sex loves the more easily or can do the better without love?” “It is not enough to know how to win love, but one must also know how to keep such love when it has been won.” Such-like were the subtle problems which on these occasions folk set themselves to solve.

"To absent friends and the day when we see them again!" he said; and they all drank. Gaspe Toujours drank solemnly, and, as though no one was near, made the sign of the cross; for his memory was with a dark-eyed, soft-cheeked habitant girl of the parish of Saint Gabrielle, whom he had left behind seven years before, and had never seen since.

Les Turcs ont la politique d'avoir toujours des armées deux fois plus nombreuses que celles des chrétiens. Cette supériorité de nombre augmente leur courage, et elle leur permet en même temps de former différens corps pour attaquer par divers côtés

She herself has described it: "Toujours extreme en mes desirs, Jadis, enfant joyeuse et folle, Souvent une seule parole Bouleversait tous mes plaisirs." But what a fine instrument she possesses! what strength of soul! what wealth of imagination! December 3, 1872. What a strange dream!

"En petit compris vous pouvez voir Ce qui comprend beaucoup par renomme, Plume, labeur, la langue, et le devoir Furent vaincus par l'amant de l'aimee. O gentille ame, etant toute estimee! Qui te pourra louer, qu'en se taisant? Car la parole est toujours reprimee Quand le sujet surmonte le disant."

"If you play false to me, Bob Hampton," came in tones which made me shiver, "you'll have a sleep that will last you for always. Do you hear? toujours!" "Two jours, that's two days, arn't it, skipper?" "No," hissed the man fiercely; "for ever. Here, Brown, bring an axe and a lantern. Stand it there." We heard steps overhead, and a light gleamed down from the lantern placed upon the stern-rails.

All corporal defects irritate me, and the want of beauty in women, being something which ought not to exist, shocks me like a tear, a solecism, a dissonance, a spot of ink in a word, like something out of order. On the other hand, beauty restores and fortifies me like some miraculous food, like Olympian ambrosia. "Que le bon soit toujours camarade du beau Des demain je chercherai femme.