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You see, Madam, the truth of the French maxim, le vrai n'est pas toujours le vrai-semblable; your last was so full of expostulation, and was something so like the language of an offended friend, that I began to tremble for a correspondence, which I had with grateful pleasure set down as one of the greatest enjoyments of my future life.

On peut bien distinguer entr'elles les choses qui ont fortement l'empreinte de leur classe; mais les confins échappent toujours.

* The most moderate, as well as the most violent, were always united on the subject of this irrational tyranny. "Toujours en menageant, comme la prunelle de ses yeux, le gouvernement revolutionnaire." "Careful always of the revolutionary government, as of the apple of their eye." Fragment pour servir a l'Hist. de la Convention, par J. J. Dussault.

Ce qui est vraiment insupportable ce sont les separations, et j'ai bien de la peine a m'y resigner, et je ne m'y resignerais pas du tout si la peinture rapportait. Mais en mettant les choses au pis pour les affaires d'argent, j'espere que tu me verras toujours courageux et affectueux dans l'adversite; je me figure que depuis quelque temps j'ai appris a la supporter sans qu'elle puisse m'aigrir.

By this transaction we become the owners of the four steamships Smyrna, Damascus, Tyre, and Sidon, vessels in prime condition with a total freight-carrying capacity of fifteen thousand tons, at the low inclusive price of sixty thousand pounds. Gentlemen, de l'audace, toujours de l'audace!" it was the chairman's phrase, his bit of the speech, and the secretary did it more than justice.

His was a tragic figure as he stood up, erect on the poop, to clap hands to a blue-clad breast, and to toss a black mane of hair in the golden air. "Dame! Toujours ete galant homme, moi! I am known on both shores as the most gallant of men. But the most gallant of men cannot control the caprice of the wind!"

In the dim watches of the first night in Delhi, the same barefooted Hindu spy learned by a visit of furtive inspection, that a night light steadily burned in the boudoir where Jules was toujours pret. The sneaking rascal crept away, with a violently beating heart, fearing even the rustle of his bare feet upon the mosaic floor.

But I think that the proper wisdom is to will what the gods will without perhaps being certain what their will is or even if they have a will of their own. And in this matter of life and art it is not the Why that matters so much to our happiness as the How. As the Frenchman said, "Il y a toujours la maniere." Very true. Yes. There is the manner.

Tant mieux, toujours, Monsieur, said he, when there is any thing to be got tant pis, when there is nothing. It comes to the same thing, said I. Pardonnez-moi, said the landlord.

Je termine en vous priant de me croire toujours Votre bien affectionne, From the Dean of St. Paul's Deanery, St. Paul's, June 19th. I have ventured to make one or two verbal suggestions, but on the main of your argument I am fully with you. There are only two points which I should propose for your reconsideration.