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This is an Enemy to the Tortois, whose Holes in the Sand, where they hide their Eggs, the Minx finds out, and scratches up and eats. The Raccoons and Crows do the same. The Minx may be made domestick, and were it not for his paying a Visit now and then to the Poultry, they are the greatest Destroyers of Rats and Mice, that are in the World.

Oysters great and small. Cockles. Clams. Muscles. Conks. Skellop. Man of Noses. Periwinkles, or Wilks. Sea-Snail-Horns. Fidlars. Runners. Spanish or Pearl-Oysters. Flattings. Tortois and Terebin, accounted for among the Insects. Finger-Fish. Shrimps. Fresh Water. Craw-Fish. Muscles.

These they call in Europe the Land Tortois; their Food is Snails, Tad-pools, or young Frogs, Mushrooms, and the Dew and Slime of the Earth and Ponds. When they lay, their Eggs are very good; but they have so many Enemies that find them out, that the hundredth part never comes to Perfection. The Sun and Sand hatch them, which come out the Bigness of a small Chesnut, and seek their own Living.