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Beat yolks with sugar until very light; then add chocolate, and proceed as with other torten. Beat one-half pound of pulverized sugar with the yolks of six large eggs. Beat long and steadily until a thick batter.

There were Pfeffernusse; there, were Lebkuchen; there were cheese-kuchen; plum-kuchen, peach-kuchen, Apfelkuchen, the juicy fruit stuck thickly into the crust, the whole dusted over with powdered sugar. There were Torten, and Hornchen, and butter cookies. Blackie touched my arm, and I tore my gaze from a cherry-studded Schaumtorte that was being reverently packed for delivery.

Stir the ingredients together in a saucepan until the sugar is dissolved and then let the mixture simmer slowly until it thickens. Use between and on top of layer cakes, or as a filling for torten. Peel and grate one large sour apple, three-quarters cup of white sugar, white of one egg; beat all together a long time, flavor with vanilla or grated rind of one-half lemon.

Now beat the whites until they are stiff and dry; add them; the flour should be added last and folded lightly through. Every stroke of the spoon after flour is added tends to toughen the batter. Bake at once. All sponge cakes and torten should be baked in ungreased molds. Make sure the oven is in condition, it can better wait for the cake than the other way around.