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"I don't want to be brave; I want to go home," wailed Grace. "So do I, and we shall go as soon as we are able to see where home is," answered Harriet, forcing a laugh. "Then why don't you go?" "I can't." "I'm going." Tommy began to swim. Harriet propelled herself up to her companion and grasped her by an arm. "Tommy, you must obey me! You don't know where you are going.

They have wooden ducks made too, and they sail round, and the wild ones come to see them; they are stupid, I think. Our ducks are very tame. They eat a great deal, and go poking round in the mud and water. They don't take good care of their eggs, but them spoil, and " "Mine don't!" cried Tommy. "Well, some people's do; Silas said so.

The next day I commenced accordingly, under the tuition of the master, and as I had not Tommy Dott to play with, I gave satisfaction, and continued to do so until our arrival at Port Royal, when the captain went up to the admiral's, stating all the particulars of the action, and, by way of sequel, my adventures on board of the pirate vessel.

It was not a nice place where Tommy lived with his grandmother, but Mrs. Todd did her best to keep the house neat and clean. Mrs. Bobbsey called in a doctor, and also sent a woman to nurse Mrs. Todd until she grew better, which she did in a few days. Then she could keep on with her sewing, by which she earned enough for her and Tommy to live on.

But abroad things are different, and Tommy of the capacious appetite took all he could get. And so would you, my reader, had you been in his place. The South African General Mission was also in evidence. Mr. Spencer Walton kept sending good things into the camp of all kinds, and kept up his ministry of 'comforts' even after Ladysmith was reached.

The weather became finer every day, and it was almost impossible to keep Tommy quiet: Juno went out with him and Albert every morning, and kept them with her while she cooked; and, fortunately, Vixen had some young ones, and when Juno could no longer amuse them, she brought them two of the puppies to play with.

So she goes from t'one to t'other, till at last she says, `There's poor Tommy Johnson, as used to live in the stone row; he's flitted with his wench Betty, and nobody knows where they've gone. `That's strange, says I, `what made 'em flit that fashion? `Oh, she says, `they'd a deal of trouble.

It was nothing less than torture to her; when you discover what is in her mind, Tommy, you may console yourself with that. He discovered what was in her mind as Mr. Cathro left her. She felt shy, he thought, of coming to him after what had taken place, and, with the generous intention of showing that she was forgiven, he crossed good-naturedly to her.

One day Uncle Jim came after me afoot, with the quiet assurance that he knew where there were "some ducks." "Tommy is down there now," said he, "in a blind. We'll make a couple more blinds across the pond, and in that way one or the other of us is sure to get a shot at everything that comes in. And the way they're coming in is scand'lous!"

Our General grabbed a map, drew a pencil line across it, and said, 'Dig here, then he went back to his tea, and Tommy armed himself with a pick and shovel, and started digging. He's been digging ever since. "Of course, we dug those trenches at night, but it was hot work what with the rifle and machinegun fire. The stretcher-bearers worked harder than the diggers.