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He saw a Bee near by buzzing busily over a rich large clover blossom, and a sturdy Ant dragging a white parcel marked "Food" toward a round sandy house, and a cheery little Cricket marching rapidly up a green stalk in search of a dinner for three hungry little Cricketses. It was a busy time for all except Toadie Todson.

And cause you didn't, where are you? why hung up on a dead foul leeshore: Diamond dead, lugger gone, the hue- and-cry up after you " "And our only ope in eaven," chimed in Bandy of the chirpy voice. "And how'd stickin the Gentleman elp us?" grumbled the brutal Toadie. "I'd stuck him fast enough if I'd twigged that!" Fat George leaned forward. "What's the reward out agin him?

Chirp and Chee and Chirk were fed, and then it was time to begin school. Mrs. Cricky always taught her own children. She had rented three little toad-stools, not any bigger than tacks, from Toadie Todson, and these the children used for desks. She often said that she thought round-top desks better than flat, for then the children were not so likely to lean their elbows on them.

Everybody hated him; even Toadie Todson went out of his way to give a lazy snap at Stingy. All day long Stingy spun webs, caught noisy flies and even other spiders, and yet nobody ever knew what he did with his webs or with the flies he caught. Stingy had never been heard to say one word, and when he wanted exercise, he hung by his leg to a thin cobweb and dangled up and down.

"Signal-station," said the Gentleman, hurrying by. "Black Diamond stormed it at dusk on Saturday night just before I came along. They took it and burnt the men inside. Black Diamond did the storming Fat George the burning, he and old Toadie." "Brutes!" hissed Kit. "I don't much care for Fat George and old Toadie myself," replied the Gentleman, rather white.

The boy was alone in Hell, and the Devil was stalking him. Kit turned round. Under the man-hole squatted old Toadie. The light bathed his hunched shoulders, his receding forehead, his projecting teeth. The horror of it, the darkness, here in the bowels of the earth, hidden from sun and wind and light of heaven, undid the boy. He tried to scream and could not.

Your noisy wings are worse than Toadie Todson's heavy feet, when he used to come hopping onto the piazza after the folks were asleep. And what is more, you're not much cleaner." By this time Mrs. Cricky had worked herself into a state of "righteous indignation," and concluded all she had to say with a sharp, "Be off."

"Ain't you got a knife, then?" growled the brutal Toadie "talks like a Miss." "Say! look at this chap's lady-bird." Bandy Dick held something aloft. "He won't want no lady-bird no more. She'll ave to get another fancy-man." Followed filthiest jests on women ... love.... Such love! Pah! Were they men? The beasts were purer.

He battered madly at the bricks, caging him like an iron destiny, and only hurt his hands. Surely, surely God would hear him! Toadie began to hop towards him hop hop hop. The boy was breathing stertorously through his nose, almost snorting. The saliva was dribbling down his chin. He sank in a heap against the bricks and said, "Hullo!" "Ello!" came a deep voice. "Feel sick?"

Cricky brought home the food, but he was a member of the Marsh Grass Vesper Quartette made up of himself, Miss K. T. Did, Mr. Frisky Frog and Mr. Tree Toad Todson, first cousin to Toadie Todson and they had all been out very late the night before, so Mrs. Cricky didn't wish to disturb him. At last Mrs. Cricky found what she wanted, and home she came.