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Then came forward the one-eyed man and said, "O Shaykh, I met to-day a blue-eyed man, a stranger to the town; so I picked a quarrel with him and caught hold of him, saying, ''Twas thou robbedst me of my eye'; nor did I let him go, till some became surety for him that he should return to me to-morrow and satisfy me for my eye."

"Just try to live your thanks, if you think they're worth while. I reckon that's what our two sisters would say on the subject. Don't let there be any more talk about dying like there was to-day, that's all, you know.

"In the name of God, Sire, do away with this criminal and dangerous memento of old passions, unjust hatreds, and the spirit of impiety which, after having led astray magistrates devoid of light, serves to-day only to beguile new generations, whom excess of light blinds," etc., etc.

To-day they will find each other just as they ought to before they become husband and wife. All the rest of the business must be left to them. If they like each other very much they will make a love-match, if not, a mariage de raison, which is just as good." My uncle having concluded thus, it only remained for me to signify my compliance with his wishes.

The interesting Taunus mountains, which to-day constitute an exercise ground full of delights to the pedestrian, forming, as they do, practically a suburb of Frankfort, were at that time an unexplored wilderness, whose forests were infested by roving brigands, where no man ventured except at the risk of an untimely grave.

Sixteen artificers at the same time mounted to their barrack-room, and all the foremen of the works also took possession of their cabin, all heartily rejoiced at getting rid of the trouble of boating and the sickly motion of the tender. Saturday, 12th May. The wind was at E.N.E., blowing so fresh, and accompanied with so much sea, that no stones could be landed to-day.

The trembling voice went on: "He never spoke to me as though we were strangers. Never, from the first. And to-day, he " Her heart's throbbing shook her. The Mother said: "He has told me what has passed. He said that he had asked you to marry him, and you had agreed." The bitterness of her wounded love was in her tone.

But to-day she was singing an old song which he had not heard for a long time, and which reminded him painfully of that other house in which she had lived and of that other man whom she never saw, but who was still her husband. He entered the room rather suddenly, after having paused a moment outside, with his hand on the door. "Please do not sing that song!" he said quickly, as he entered.

He knew what it was in him to do. The nature of the gift was such that if he brought it to her to-day she would know that he had given her his best; if he kept it till to-morrow it would be his best no longer. Besides, it was only a gift when you looked at it one way.

This, I believe, will be the next great step in the development of our profession. There has been no intention in what I have said to minimize the disadvantages and discouragements under which we are to-day doing our work.