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And, indeed, my gudesire, of his ain accord, lang foreswore baith the pipes and the brandy it was not even till the year was out, and the fatal day past, that he would so much as take the fiddle, or drink usquebaugh or tippeny. Sir John made up his story about the jackanape as he liked himsell; and some believe till this day there was no more in the matter than the filching nature of the brute.

I know slathers of them; and did you iver in your born days know an Irishman that wouldn't fight, anywhere, any time, and for anything, if he had anybody to fight?" "And a quart of whiskey in him," interrupts the Adjutant. "As Burns says of the Scotch "'Wi' Tippeny they fear nae evil, Wi' Usquebagh they'll face the Devil."

Robert clambered on to the top of this car, and presently found himself confronted by a gentleman splendid in appearance but of homely speech who waved bundles of tickets in his face, and inquired tersely "Penny or tippeny? or transfair?" "I am seeking the Dalry Road," said Robert cautiously. "Which end o't?" "I couldna say." "Ca' it a penny," said the conductor.

Near these were a number of humbler booths, in which the spectators and competitors might regale themselves with the spirits and tippeny then in use. Amongst the competitors was one called Meikle Robin, or Robin Meikle. He was strength personified. His stature exceeded six feet; his shoulders were broad, his chest round, his limbs well and strongly put together.