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Do you wish to correct that statement by any change of name? Was it a slip of the tongue, caused by momentary forgetfulness?" "No." "'Three-Star' is the name of a brand owned by Richard Morton, is it not?" "Yes." "Three-Star ranch is one of his many properties, I believe." "It is." "Go on, please." "I repeat: Miss Langdon is at Three-Star ranch, in Montana.

Don't you think anybody could see that they are taking advantage of the unsettled state of things to avoid any payment whatever? They await Home Rule, which is to give them the land, and they are anticipating its advantages. "They all know Hennessy's brandy, and can tell you the difference between the one-star and the three-star brands. "In England everybody is at work.

There would be Three-star Surgeons on a Hospital Ship to handle this; it seemed an enormous relief to have the task out of his hands. Yet something was wriggling uncomfortably in the back of his mind, a quiet little voice saying this isn't right, you should be doing this yourself right now instead of wasting precious time....

Take that bottle of Three-star along with you no, sir; not another ounce of booze for the United States consul. I'll sit here to-night and pull out the think stop. If there's a soft place on this proposition anywhere I'll land on it. If there isn't there'll be another wreck to the credit of the gorgeous tropics." Keogh left, feeling that he could be of no use.

A large passenger boat hurtled away from the hospital ship's side, carrying a pair of Four-star surgeons, half a dozen Three-star Surgeons, two Radiologists, two Internists, a dozen nurses and another Four-star Black Doctor across to the Lancet; and when they arrived at the patrol ship's entrance lock, they discovered that their haste had been in vain.

And we parted one day, I carryin' the song that he wrote for me of Farcalladen Rise, and the memory of him; and him givin' me the word,'I'll not forget you, Shon, me boy, whatever comes; remember that. And a short pull of the Three-Star together for the partin' salute, says he.

She now enjoys the income of that amount. That is all." "The letter! May I see it?" The lawyer methodically took a red-leather pocketbook from his coat, extracted an envelope therefrom, and passed it across the table to Duncan. "Dear Mr. Melvin," the young man read, half-aloud, although to himself, "I am at Three-Star ranch, one of the properties of Mr. Richard Morton, in Montana.

He hurried back to Major Holt as the Chief and Haney began zestfully to manhandle Mike in celebration of his genius. The major held up his hand as Joe entered. He was using the desk phone. Joe waited. When he hung up, Joe reported. The major seemed unsurprised. "Yes, I had Washington on the wire," he said detachedly. "I talked to a personal friend who's a three-star general.

She felt that her own departure would create scarcely a stir; for, without Abraham, she was only one of a group of poor, old women in a semi-charity home. Slowly she started up the stairs for her bonnet and the old broche shawl. When she reached the landing, where lay the knitted mat of the three-star pattern, the matron called up to her in tragic tones: "Angy Rose, I jest thought of it.

And the Three-Star in one sup each we took, as solemn as the Mass, and he went away towards Cloncurry and I to the coast; and that's the last that I saw of him, now three years gone. And here I am, and I wish I was with him wherever he is." "What was his name"? said the Honourable. "Lawless." The fingers of the Honourable trembled on his cigar.