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'Hello, the buoy-lantern's out! He stopped the engines. A moment or two later he said 'Why, there it is again! So he came ahead on the engines once more, and rang for the leads. Gradually the water shoaled up, and then began to deepen again! Mr. Thornburg muttered 'Well, I don't understand this. I believe that buoy has drifted off the reef. Seems to be a little too far to the left.

'Hello, the buoy-lantern's out! He stopped the engines. A moment or two later he said 'Why, there it is again! So he came ahead on the engines once more, and rang for the leads. Gradually the water shoaled up, and then began to deepen again! Mr. Thornburg muttered 'Well, I don't understand this. I believe that buoy has drifted off the reef. Seems to be a little too far to the left.

General Custer, who was to lead, ordered that the Sixth Michigan move out first and thus it fell to my lot to be in the van at the outset of that historic expedition. A guide was furnished, with directions that the route taken be by the plank road to Tabernacle church, thence to the Telegraph road running from Fredericksburg to Richmond, then due south toward Thornburg.

The Indians had lain in ambush and waited for the troops to come over the brow of the rise. At the first volley the commander of the soldiers had fallen mortally wounded. The whites, taken by surprise, fell back in disorder. The Utes moved up on them from both sides and the trapped men fled. "Must 'a' been right about here Thornburg was shot," explained Dud.

I went off, full of venom, to help in the pilot-house. By and by the boat's lantern disappeared, and after an interval a wee spark glimmered upon the face of the water a mile away. Mr. Thornburg blew the whistle, in acknowledgment, backed the steamer out, and made for it. We flew along for a while, then slackened steam and went cautiously gliding toward the spark. Presently Mr. Thornburg exclaimed

No matter, it is safest to run over it anyhow. So, in that solid world of darkness we went creeping down on the light. Just as our bows were in the act of plowing over it, Mr. Thornburg seized the bell-ropes, rang a startling peal, and exclaimed 'My soul, it's the sounding-boat! A sudden chorus of wild alarms burst out far below a pause and then the sound of grinding and crashing followed. Mr.

It had been ten years since the Meeker massacre and the defeat of Major Thornburg's troops. The country had begun to settle up. The Utes knew that their day was done, though they still came up occasionally from the reservation on illicit hunting trips. This very country over which they were riding was the scene of the Thornburg battle-field.

Thornburg exclaimed 'There! the paddle-wheel has ground the sounding-boat to lucifer matches! Run! See who is killed! I was on the main deck in the twinkling of an eye. My chief and the third mate and nearly all the men were safe.

I went off, full of venom, to help in the pilot-house. By and by the boat's lantern disappeared, and after an interval a wee spark glimmered upon the face of the water a mile away. Mr. Thornburg blew the whistle, in acknowledgment, backed the steamer out, and made for it. We flew along for a while, then slackened steam and went cautiously gliding toward the spark. Presently Mr. Thornburg exclaimed

Thornburg exclaimed 'There! the paddle-wheel has ground the sounding-boat to lucifer matches! Run! See who is killed! I was on the main deck in the twinkling of an eye. My chief and the third mate and nearly all the men were safe.