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The infamous wretch goes to Aylesbury, for our part of the Chase was in the county of Bucks, and my Thief-taking gentleman from Reading meets him a pretty couple; and he makes oath before Mr. 'Twas no use showing Fight perhaps, for we were undermanned, some of us being away on the scent, for we suspected some foul play.

Schmidt could not conceal his confusion; but pleading piteously a necessity of nature, was with difficulty admitted to the to the ABTRITT so called; and there, by some long pole or rake-handle, vanished wholly through a never-imagined aperture, and was no more heard of in the upper world. The Prussian soldiery does not seem expert in thief-taking.

Wharton's father wrote to him sharply, saying that thief-taking was a business that had better be left to constables, and that he did not approve of freaks of that kind. Mr. Bale wrote an irascible letter to Bob. "My dear nephew," he began, "I am astonished, and most seriously displeased, at contents of communication I have received from a person signing himself J. Langton, admiral.

The men whom Jean ushered in proved to be, outwardly, what Duchemin had expected: of a class only too well-known to him, plain men of the people, unassuming, well-trained and informed, sceptical; not improbably shrewd hands in the game of thief-taking. Saluting Madame de Montalais with calculated ceremony, one acting as spokesman offered to present their credentials.