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"What did they do with the box, dearie?" interrupted Harriet. "That I have not yet dethided. I thhall find out about that later. Well, after a time, it theemth, they took the box up the thandy beach and into the woodth, but by that time it wath tho dark that I couldn't thee any more footprintth and couldn't tell what they did with the box." "Marvelous," muttered Buster. "Excruciatingly marvelous!"

"That ith all right. You jutht thit where the chair would be if there were one," suggested Tommy. "No sitting this evening," declared the guardian. "You will all prepare for bed. At least two of you need rest I mean Harriet and Tommy." "Yeth, we alwayth need that. I never thhall get enough of it until after I have been dead ever and ever tho long."

"There are too many thtoneth," objected Tommy. "I thhall be afraid of thtubbing my toeth all the time." "Lift your feet and you won't," suggested Margaret, with a smile. "Buthter, I didn't athk for your advithe," retorted Tommy. "There are the foothills," interrupted the guide, "and there is Chocorua. Isn't she a beauty?" This was the girls' first real glimpse of the White Mountains.

Janus tied this and two other packs on the back of one horse, then began making ready for doing the game with the other animal. By the time he was ready, Jim had returned with still another wet bundle of equipment. "Our clotheth are in that pack!" wailed Tommy, as she surveyed the bedraggled outfit. "What thhall we do?" "Keep quiet and go on up to camp," said Margery severely.

The wind had not come up again, but a fresh, salty breeze was blowing over them, chilling the girls, sending shivers through their slender bodies. "Oh, what thhall we do?" sobbed Grace. "What can we do to thave ourthelveth?" "I don't know, Tommy. About all we can do is to keep up our courage and wait for daylight.