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Briefly, this is the principal argument of the Súfís; and if we wished to mention all their proofs and explain their answers, it would take a very long time. This is their decisive proof and their plain argumentat least, of the savants of the Súfís and the Theosophists.

Theosophists have lately made the idea of the coming of such a teacher the central hope of social regeneration. They assume that when the teacher comes all the world will listen and obey. It seems to me that teacher after teacher has uttered the truth Hermes, Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, Orpheus, Jesus and that the trouble is not lack of teachers but lack of disciples.

No, in reality the cause of acquiring perfections is the bounty of God. The Theosophists believe that man on the arc of ascent will return many times until he reaches the Supreme Center; in that condition matter becomes a clear mirror, the light of the spirit will shine upon it with its full power, and essential perfection will be acquired.

Clavel, Ragon, and some other writers have sought to make him the founder of a masonic rite also, but without authority. In 1767 Chastanier established the rite of Illuminated Theosophists, whose instructions are derived from the writings of Swedenborg, but the sage himself had nothing to do with it.

Devachan is sometimes called the Heaven World by Theosophists, the word meaning "the state or plane of the gods." Theosophy teaches that the Soul Triad dwells in Devachan "for a period proportionate to the merit of the being," and from whence in the proper time "the being is drawn down again to be reborn in the world of mortals."

Fotheringay were timid little miracles little things with the cups and parlour fitments, as feeble as the miracles of Theosophists, and, feeble as they were, they were received with awe by his collaborator. He would have preferred to settle the Winch business out of hand, but Mr. Maydig would not let him.

I have not had the opportunity of reading Madame Blavatsky's two volumes, but I have read during the past ten years many publications from the pen of herself, Colonel Olcott, and of other Theosophists. They appear to me to have sought to rehabilitate a kind of Spiritualism in Eastern phraseology. I think many of their allegations utterly erroneous, and their reasonings wholly unsound.

The Theosophists, according to Hargrave Jennings in "The Rosicrucians," called the soul a fire taken from the eternal ocean of light, and in common with other Fire-Philosophers believed that all knowable things, both of the soul and the body, were evolved out of fire and finally resolvable into it; and that fire was the last and only-to-be-known God.

She sometimes borrowed a typewriter from the manager of the hotel, and she took down in shorthand the miscellaneous sermons by Baptists, Catholics, Reformed rabbis, Christian Scientists, theosophists, High Church Episcopalians, Hindu yogis, or any one else handy with which she filled up her dull Sundays.... Except as practice in stenography she found their conflicting religions of little value to lighten her life.

There is a startling sarcasm in the image of that very unsatisfactory meal. The eternity of the material fatalists, the eternity of the eastern pessimists, the eternity of the supercilious theosophists and higher scientists of to-day is, indeed, very well presented by a serpent eating his tail, a degraded animal who destroys even himself.