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"Why I ha'n't done nothin' to it," said Philetus dismally, there was teu on 'em afore I started, and I took and tied 'em together and hitched 'em onto the stick, and that one must ha' loosened itself off some way. I believe the darned thing did it o' purpose." "I guess your mother knowed that one wouldn't keep till it got here," said Mrs. Douglass.

The case is only too clear: my goodness! the steinbock is the . "Der Teu . . . !" said Andreas, with a comic stop of horror, the rhyme falling cleverly to "ai." Henceforth the mountaineer becomes transformed into a champion of humanity, hunting the wicked bearded steinbock in all corners; especially through the cabinet of those dark men who decree the taxes detested in Tyrol.

'Nothen ever kep me waking, asseverated the Yankee girl with perfect truth. 'Now, young man, jest git out o' my way; warm yar hands in yar hair, if you've a mind teu it's red enough, I guess. 'Throth an' I wish I could take your advice, Miss; or if you'd give me a few sparks of yer own hot timper, I needn't ever come up to the hearth at all at all.

The case is only too clear: my goodness! the steinbock is the "Der Teu!..." said Andreas, with a comic stop of horror, the rhyme falling cleverly to "ai." Henceforth the mountaineer becomes transformed into a champion of humanity, hunting the wicked bearded steinbock in all corners; especially through the cabinet of those dark men who decree the taxes detested in Tyrol.

W-o-l, if its teu sign a warrant, hang a nigger, tar and feather an abolitionist, ride the British Consul out a town, or send a dozen vagrants to the whipping-post-I'm thar. Anything my hand's in at!" incoherently mumbles this judicial dignitary. Mr.

"Why I've broke this here clevis I ha'n't touched anything nor nothing, and it broke right in teu!" "What do you s'pose'll be done now?" said Mr. Plumfield gravely going up to examine the fracture. "Well 'twa'n't none of my doings," said the young man. "I ha'n't touched anything nor nothing and the mean thing broke right in teu. 'Tain't so handy as the old kind o' plough, by a long jump."

"There don't nobody else have nothin' to deu with it I guess she's pretty much the hull," said her coadjutor. "Her and me was a picking 'em afore sunrise." "All that basketful!" "'Tain't all strawberries there's garden sass up to the top." "And does she send that too?" "She sends that teu," said Philetus succinctly. "But hasn't she any help in taking care of the garden?" said Constance.

The policeman returns, preceded by a physician the only one to be got at, he says in very dilapidated broadcloth, and whose breath is rather strong of gin. "An' whereabutes did ye pick the woman up, an, an, wha's teu stond the bill?" he inquires, in a deep Scotch brogue, then ordering the little window opened, feels clumsily the almost pulseless hand.

The logging can wait for a couple of months, Davidson tells me. 'Wal, you'll want considerable of whisky for the teu, observed Zack briskly; 'all the "Corner" 'll be sure to come, an' raise yer house off the ground right slick at onst. A frame-house, I calc'late? 'Clapboarded and painted, if I can, Mr. Bunting.

Quackenboss in the way, who had offered to come with his team for the desired service. "Then you have not been to Mr. Douglass's?" "I have not," said Philetus; "I thought likely you wouldn't calculate to want him teu." "How came the doctor to know what you were going for?" "I told him." "But how came you to tell him?"