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That's pansy seed a special stock too, well now, if you didn't know how common it is, wouldn't it seem a miracle as wonderful as any in the Testymen, that out o' that handful o' dust like, the finest flowers of purple an' yellow will come? ay! some o' them two to three inches across, an' every petal like velvet an' silk! If so be you don't b'lieve in a God, Mr.

Spruce, rather than being guided by her, for as that worthy woman averred to Primmins at supper that self-same night: "I was so all in a tremble and puspration with 'er 'oldin' on to my arm and takin' me round, that I was like the man in the Testymen what had dumb devils, and scarcely knew what ground my feet was a-fallin' on!"

"I love him very dearly," she said simply "And I know he's a great deal too good for me." Mrs. Twitt sniffed meaningly. "Well, I'm not in any way sure o' that," she observed. "When a man's too good for a woman it's what we may call a Testymen' miracle. For the worst wife as ivir lived is never so bad as a bad 'usband.

"That's true that's Testymen true!" And the individual addressed as Mrs. Twitt, heaved a profound sigh which was loud enough to flutter through the open door to Helmsley's ears "Which, as I sez to Twitt often, shows as 'ow we shouldn't iver tempt Providence.

But if there's no way out of all this trouble, the Lord Himself ain't as wise as I took 'im for, for didn't He say to a man what 'ad crutches in the Testymen 'Arise an' walk'? an' why shouldn't He say 'Arise an' walk' to Miss Maryllia? I do 'ope I'm not sinful, but I'm fair mazed when I see the Lord 'oldin' off 'is hand as 'twere, an' not doin' the right thing as 'e should do!" Thus Mrs.