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We have left the turquoise houses, the serpent houses there in Tollan, where ruled our leader Nacxitl Topiltzin. Tico toco toco ti quiti quiti quiti quito; can ic mocneptiuh. Tico, toco, toco, tiquiti, quiti, quiti, quito; where it is to turn back again. Tlapapal xochiceutli niyolaya nepapan tonacan xochitl moyahuaya oncueponti moquetzaco ya naya aya ye teo ya ixpan tonaa Santa Maria ayyo.

He asked some trifling questions; took the declaration of the servant, whom he tried to implicate, now looking at her with evil in his eyes, now threatening her and now attributing to her words which she did not say so much so that the servant, believing that she was going to be taken to jail, began to weep and finished by declaring that she was looking for peas, but that ... and she called Teo to witness.

"Yes, sir," went on the trembling servant; "I was going to pick peas I looked into our neighbor's garden to see if it was I saw a man swinging I thought it was Teo, the servant who always gives me I went nearer to pick the peas, and I saw that it wasn't Teo, but a dead man. I ran and I ran and " "Let's go see him," said the old man, rising. "Show us the way."

The particle ro designates a woman, umasoi a man. Among the Betoi, the Maypures, and so many other nations of both continents, the moon is believed to be the wife of the sun. But what is this root Teo? Tobacco : Jema : Jema. Agaric : Puriana vacavi uschanite.

He made captious inquiries, and took down the statement of the maidservant, whom he tried to confuse, now looking at her fiercely, now threatening her, now attributing to her things that she had not said, so much so that she, thinking that she would have to go to jail, began to cry and wound up by declaring that she wasn't looking for peas but and she called Teo as a witness.

Turning to the western side of the Atlantic, we find in the "Teo Amoxtli," as translated by the Abbe Brasseur de Bourburg, an account of the overwhelming of a country by the sea, when thunder and flames came out of it, and "the mountains were sinking and rising."

"I was going to gather some peas in.... I looked into the orchard next door ... to see if there ... I saw a man swinging.... I thought it was Teo ... I went nearer to gather peas, and I saw that it was not he but it was another, and was dead ... I ran, ran and...." "Let us go and see it," said the old man, rising. "Take us there." "Don't go!" cried Sister Puté, seizing him by the shirt.