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No effort seems made to keep the temple-chambers narrow, for their width is sometimes as much as two-thirds of their length. Perhaps, therefore, they were hypaethral, like the temples of the Greeks. All that seems to be certain is that what roofing they had was of wood, which at Nimrud was cedar, brought probably from the mountains of Syria.

Could any thing be more improbable than that the most triumphant beauty of the season should seriously incline to share the long up-hill struggle of a rising barrister? Those dull Temple-chambers are lucky enough if the sun condescends to visit them at rare intervals in his journey westward.

But what of it?" "I said 'hast, not 'hadst'!" "Ay. I have a son. "Where?" "In one of the temple-chambers overhead." "Nay, priest! Thy son lies gagged and bound and trussed in a place I know of, and which thou dost not know!" "Since when?" "Since by my orders he was laid there." "Thou art the devil! Thou liest, Rajput!" "So? Go seek thy son!"

Much the sane doubts and difficulties beset the subjects of the roofing and lighting of the temples as those which have been discussed already in connection with the palaces. Though the span of the temple-chambers is less than that of the great palace halls, still it is considerable, sometimes exceeding thirty feet.