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"And you're Miss Cara Nome, the secretary, who shouldn't be back here." Had he noticed that she saw the telekinetic action? She glanced back at the classroom. The basin was now comfortably ensconced back on the table, full of water. "I had this order, which I thought was of an emergency nature," she said, offering it to him. "Mr.

To me the spiritistic 'demonstrations' are intensely human and absorbingly interesting as dramatic material, and yet I hope I am sufficiently the scientist to be alive to the significance of these telekinetic happenings, and enough of the realist to remain critical in the midst of the wildest carnival of the invisible forces." "Don't you believe in them?" asked Mrs.

May it not be that she is able in some such way as that suggested by Lombroso, to impart cerebral movements to the ether and so modify matter as to produce movement of objects, telekinetic writing, and all the rest of it?" "That is too violent an assumption. We might as well surrender to the spiritists at once.

All the world over, too, the same persons are credited with the rejected phenomena, clairvoyance, 'discerning of spirits, powers of voluntary 'telepathic 'and 'telekinetic' impact. Thus we find that uniform and recurrent evidence vouches for a mass of phenomena which science scouts. Science has now accepted a portion of the mass, but still rejects the stranger occurrences.

Others still, by putting themselves deliberately into the study, had been able to subordinate the conscious mind, little by little liberating their subliminal forces by practice, attaining thus almost miraculous powers. In this way the "medium" became clairvoyant, clairaudient, telekinetic.

On the sheet of paper which had been thrown to me was the simple word 'Taft. This was taken by the circle to be a prophecy on the election, but, as my wife's family name is Taft, I put a different interpretation upon it. On the whole, the sitting made a profound impression upon me. It was not so much one thing as many things, all cohering with what I already knew of telekinetic phenomena.

For the first time, so far as I know, a table was photographed while floating in the air " "No!" shouted Howard. "Yes; and certain other telekinetic happenings were proved, to the stupefaction of most of those in the group. One special experiment, the success of which confounded the shrewdest, was the attempt to secure on a smoke-blackened paper the print of one of the spectral hands."

But how does the unscientific conduct attributed to De Brosses implicate the modern anthropologist? Sometimes the so-called fetish had an accidental, which was taken to be a causal, connection with a stroke of good luck. 'Telekinetic' Origin of Fetishism As I write comes in Melusine, viii. 7, with an essay by M. Lefebure on Les Origines du Fetichisme.

At the moment of the sliding of the table I closely watched the luminous stars, and asserted to the others that her hands did not stir. So that this movement, though slight, was genuinely telekinetic. A very curious incident now cut short our sitting. Miller, who thought the left hand of the psychic was not in place, twitched the string which he held, and immediately Mrs.

Towards the end of his life Crookes confessed that if he were able to begin again he would prefer to study telepathic phenomena the direct transference of thought from one person to another rather than the purely mechanical, or so-called telekinetic, expressions of psychic forces.