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But the singular works of Latin and Anglo-Saxon literature allured him still further. They included the whole series of riddles by Adhelme, Tatwine and Eusebius, who were descendants of Symphosius, and especially the enigmas composed by Saint Boniface, in acrostic strophes whose solution could be found in the initial letters of the verses.

Now must I tell how we went back to Glastonbury town, marching proudly as became conquerors, while on every side was shouting of men, and at the same time weeping of women for those who had fallen. When we came to the great square there stood Tatwine the Abbot and all his monks; but I had no eyes for them.

"Therefore," said he, "I am in good company, and will surely go." Whereupon Tatwine rose up and went out, saying that he should go to the abbey and seek protection for the bishop, and men say he bided there almost night and day, praying until all was past. Certainly I saw him no more in his accustomed places, save at mass.

Now Tatwine, the old abbot, sat with him and heard this, and straightway he began to tremble, and cry out that such work was unfit for a bishop. So the bishop said to me, very quietly, but with a look in his eyes which seemed to show that this was what he longed for: "Heregar, my son, go and tell the thanes what the abbot says, and ask if they will go without me."

So I ventured to tell the sub-prior how this came about, and he smiled, saying that he should not tell Tatwine the Abbot, for the brothers were seldom in much fault, and that maybe it was laudable to search even pagan books for the manners of fiends, seeing that forewarned was forearmed. Also that he was minded to make the old rhyme more Christian-like, if he could, writing parts of it afresh.

"So, Tatwine, my brother, you see how it is. Needs must that I go, else were it shame to us that heathen men should have freedom in a Christian land." But Tatwine groaned, and, maybe knowing the bishop well, said no more. Then Ealhstan bade him remember all the saints who had warred against the heathen, and were held blameless nay, rather, the holier.

Yet there are six lay brethren here who have been warriors, of whom brother Guthlac is one, and if they may march against heathen men, I pray you let me have them." Now that the Bishop seemed to find pleasant, as though he knew something of those lovers of war songs, and answered that he wot not if Tatwine would let them go.