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They related how before the battle he had made a reconnaissance in Urga with only one Cossack and on his way back had killed a Chinese officer and two soldiers with his bamboo stick or tashur; how he had no outfit save one change of linen and one extra pair of boots; how he was always calm and jovial in battle and severe and morose in the rare days of peace; and how he was everywhere his soldiers were fighting.

His eyes sparkled and his face contracted with spasms. "Bring them in front of my yurta!" he ordered. All was forgotten the inspired speech, the penetrating voice all were sunk in the austere order of the severe commander. The Baron put on his cap, caught up the bamboo tashur which he always carried with him and rushed from the yurta. I followed him out.

Then he rose, walked over to them and, with an evident show of decisiveness in his movements, touched all the prisoners on the shoulder with his tashur and said: "You to the left and you to the right!" as he divided the squad into two sections, four on the right and two on the left. "Search those two!

However, this does not prevent the Mongols from hunting them. Once in the camp of Prince Baysei I witnessed such a hunt. The Mongol horsemen on the best of his steeds overtook the wolves on the open plain and killed them with heavy bamboo sticks or tashur.

"What is this?" he asked Sepailoff in a severe, threatening voice; and, without waiting for an answer, struck him a blow with his tashur that sent him to the floor. We went out and the General ordered my luggage produced. Then he brought me to his own yurta. "Live here, now," he said. "I am very glad of this accident," he remarked with a smile, "for now I can say all that I want to."

Brutes! . . . One hundred fifty tashur for every man of you." The voice fell to a whisper. "And you, Mesdames, do you not realize the ruin of your people? No? For you it is of no moment. And have you no feeling for your husbands at the front who may even now be killed?

Near the entrance to the town, a motor car stood before a small house. "What does that mean?" exclaimed the Baron. "Go over there!" Our car drew up beside the other. The house door opened sharply, several officers rushed out and tried to hide. "Stand!" commanded the General. "Go back inside." They obeyed and he entered after them, leaning on his tashur.