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The Mahratta's face changed altogether at the sight, and he disposed the amulet fairly on his breast. 'Yes, he went on to the Kamboh, 'I was in haste, and the cart, driven by a bastard, bound its wheel in a water-cut, and besides the harm done to me there was lost a full dish of tarkeean. 'That was a great loss, said the Kamboh, withdrawing interest.

Then you say: "There is no caste when men go to look for tarkeean." You stop a little between those words, "to look". That is thee whole secret. The little stop before the words. Kim repeated the test-sentence. 'That is all right. Then I will show you my turquoise if there is time, and then you know who I am, and then we exchange views and documents and those-all things.

And so it is with any other man of us. We talk sometimes about turquoises and sometimes about tarkeean, but always with that little stop in the words. It is verree easy. First, "Son of the Charm", if you are in a tight place. Perhaps that may help you perhaps not. Then what I have told you about the tarkeean, if you want to transact offeecial business with a strange man.

His experience of Benares had made him suspicious. 'Who cooked it? said Kim. 'A woman. The Mahratta raised his eyes. 'But all women can cook tarkeean, said the Kamboh. 'It is a good curry, as I know. 'Oh yes, it is a good curry, said the Mahratta. 'And cheap, said Kim. 'But what about caste?

'Oh, there is no caste where men go to look for tarkeean, the Mahratta replied, in the prescribed cadence. 'Of whose service art thou? 'Of the service of this Holy One. Kim pointed to the happy, drowsy lama, who woke with a jerk at the well-loved word. 'Ah, he was sent from Heaven to aid me. He is called the Friend of all the World. He is also called the Friend of the Stars.

I come as Ladakhi trader oh, anything and I say to you: "You want to buy precious stones?" You say: "Do I look like a man who buys precious stones?" Then I say: "Even verree poor man can buy a turquoise or tarkeean." 'That is kichree vegetable curry, said Kim. 'Of course it is. You say: "Let me see the tarkeean." Then I say: "It was cooked by a woman, and perhaps it is bad for your caste."