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Manuela, letting her clasped hands fall in her lap, also gazed at Pedro with the intense earnestness that was habitual to her. She seemed to listen. Perhaps, being unusually intelligent, she picked up some information from the guide's expressive face. She could hardly have learned much from his speech, as her knowledge of English seemed to be little more than "yes," "no," and "t'ank you!"

"Ya-as," said Peter gratefully, "dats yust it, missus, only, of course I couldn't say it like dat. I t'ank you, missus. Vell, den, I lof Edit' ever since I come here last fall, ver' much, yust like you lof Mr. Gray only, of course, you can't believe dat, missus." "Yes, I can," said Sylvia. "So I say," went on Peter, looking only at Sylvia now, "Edit' need you, but Mr. Gray, he need you, too.

The poor woman threw her apron over her head and began to weep. "Don't be discouraged, 'Gena," said Mollie, soothingly. "I'll stand by you and get Mr. Pardee to look after the matter for you." "T'ank ye, Miss Mollie, t'ank ye. But I'se afeared it won't do no good. Dey's boun' ter break us up, an' dey'll do it, sooner or later! It's all of a piece a Ku Kluckin' by night, and a-suin' by day.

"T'ank yo', massah; you is a real gen'man," and Ben's face relaxed into a broad smile. "You were going out in your boat, I believe." "Yes, massah. But if I kin do anyt'ing fo' yo' " "What of this wreck? Is it the same that one can see from the bluff?" "Yes, massah, de werry same." "It's remarkable that it should survive so long."

Vell vell a hundred tollars! Dot's a good deal of money." He had begun to wrap it up, tucking in the ends. "No dot Fudge dog don't bite go away, you. T'ank you for lettin' me see it, tell Mr. Blobbs, but I don't vant it at dot price. And I doan know I vant it at any price. Dey doan buy dem t'ings any more." Dalton saw that the mantilla had favorably impressed the dealer.

And just as Stephen passed him, this man was overtaken by an old negress, with tears streaming down her face, who seized the threadbare hem of his coat. Stephen paused involuntarily. "Well, Nancy," said the little man, "we had marvellous luck. I was able to buy your daughter for you with less than the amount of your savings." "T'ank you, Mistah Cantah," wailed the poor woman, "t'ank you, suh.

"There is no doubt of that." "T'ank ye, Marse Hesden, t'ank ye," said Nimbus. "I'se glad ter know I hain't been a fool allus, ef I is now. But now I t'inks on't, Marse Hesden, I'd like ter know what come of dem men dat 'Gena an' me put our marks on dat night."

Angelina felt that the satin and lace were wrong; she tore them off, searched in the heaped-up cupboard for poor neglected Annie No. 1, found her, tore from her her red woollen skirt and white blouse, stretched them about Rose's portly body. "T'ank God for nice Wose, Amen," she said, but she meant, not God, but her friend.

Den he axed me ef I would hab some breakfas, an' I said, 'No, t'ank you, sir. 'An' I war jis' as hungry as a dorg, but I war 'feared to eat. I war 'feared he war gwine to pizen me." "Poison you! don't you know the Yankees are our best friends?" "Well, ef dat's so, I'se mighty glad, cause de woods is full ob dem."

The man took off his hat and approached Tom, genuflecting as he might have done in church. "She say you save baby from condor," the man said in his halting English. "She t'ank you me, I t'ank you. Bird see babe in deer skin t'ink um dead animal. Maybe so bird carry baby off, drop um on sharp stone, baby smile no more. You have our lives, senor! We do anyt'ing we can for you."