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The central portion of the lagoon was almost covered by the small surface craft, while the sides, separated from the sidewalks by the curbs, were full of swimmers. The peculiar Dasorian equivalents of whistles, bells, and gongs were making a deafening uproar, and the crowd was yelling and cheering in much the same fashion as do earthly crowds upon similar occasions.

He had come to this wild little land of Sark after silver, and he said to himself that he had found a pearl beyond price. In a minute or two they were scrambling up the slope and flung themselves down beside him for a rest, feeling the strain of unusual exertion now that the brace and tonic of the water was off them. "You are bold swimmers," said Gard.

At the point where we stood, the encircling coral reef joined the shore, so that the magnificent breakers, which a recent stiff breeze had rendered larger than usual, fell in thunder at the feet of the multitudes who lined the beach. For some time the swimmers continued to strike out to sea, breasting over the swell like hundreds of black seals.

They expect you to help them kill time, not improve it." "Sir, is it not nobler to struggle against than to float ignominiously with the tide of degenerate opinion?" "That depends altogether on the earnestness of your desire for martyrdom by drowning. I have seen stronger swimmers than you go down, after desperate efforts to keep their heads above water."

As I santered along a female asked me if I had seen the Divin' Girls, sez she, "There is a immense pond of water, and they are the best divers and swimmers in the world." But I sez, "Nobody can dive into deeper depths than I have doven to-day." "The ocean?" sez she. "Oceans of anxiety," sez I, "rivers of grief."

Harboro had manifested an unswerving gentleness toward her, and she had begun to "let down," as swimmers say, with confidence in her ability to find bottom and attain the shore. When at length she went up to the balcony to tell Harboro that supper was ready, she stood arrested by the pleasantly purposeful expression in his eyes. She had learned, rather creditably, to anticipate him.

Dick slowed down the motor, while Molly kept the boat circling around the swimmers until the manatee surrendered and became quiet as a cow. The motor was stopped, and the sea-cow was brought beside the boat, where Molly patted the head and laid her hand on the soft lips of the gentle creature. "Now, Daddy," said Ned, "Dick and I want a certificate that this isn't a phantom manatee or a porpoise."

Still nothing was seen of Harry; his entire disappearance was quite incomprehensible. "It must have been cramp; yet I never knew him have it, and he is one of the best swimmers in the country!" said de Vaux. "He must have felt it coming, and had presence of mind to loosen his hold of Hubbard at the same moment he cried for help," observed Smith.

It was simply that the Catamaran, carrying its large spread sail, was drifting to leeward, and rapidly increasing the distance between itself and the swimmers. Relieved from the anxiety with which he had regarded the conflict, little William at once became aware of this new danger, hence his cry of consternation.

Then the young crew captain shouted: "Who can get here first to support Mr. Driscoll." "Here!" called another midshipman, overtaking the pair with lusty strokes. "Keep Mr. Driscoll up," called Dave, as he swam away. "I've got to count heads fast." Another midshipman came above water, and Dan Dalzell was at him, like a flash, supporting the new arrival, who was one of the poor swimmers.