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"The poor old marquis rose up, and clasping his hands, fell on his knees before Count Cagl Bah! I went by a different name then. Vat's in a name? Dat vich ye call a Rosicrucian by any other name vil smell as sveet. 'Monsieur, he said, 'I am old I am rich. I have five hundred thousand livres of rentes in Picardy. I have half as much in Artois.

"She vore no 'at upon 'er 'ead, Nor a cap, nor a " "Bear the 'Markis' up werry short, Sam, vill 'ee? " dandy bonnet, But 'er 'air it 'ung all down 'er back, Like a " "Easy easy now! Hold on to them leaders, Dick! " bunch of carrots upon it. Ven she cried 'sprats' in Vestminister, Oh! sich a sveet loud woice, sir, You could 'ear 'er all up Parlyment Street, And as far as Charing Cross, sir."

"The poor old marquis rose up, and clasping his hands, fell on his knees before Count Cagl Bah! I went by a different name then. Vat's in a name? Dat vich ve call a Rosicrucian by any other name vil smell as sveet. 'Monsieur, he said, 'I am old I am rich. I have five hundred thousand livres of rentes in Picardy. I have half as much in Artois.

"Oh! bless'ee, but you're a sveet cove," rejoined Jack, "and no vun vould suppose for a moment that you cut Sal Gordon's throat, the night you coaxed her hoff to marry her, just because you took a fancy to a couple of five-pun notes she had in her trash-bag that she refused to give hup afore the knot vos tied."

"Dere vas vonce a grade lady," he said, coming up closer to them, "who vas so good, and so lofly, and so sveet, that no vone who saw her could help lofing her; and she vas glad to help ev'y vone, and gif to ev'y vone, and she vas so rich and vise dat she could help and gif a great deal. "And dere vas a poor boy who vas stupid and homely and poor, and he did nodings for any vone.

Vhen he go in de post-office she alvays smile awful sveet at Hugo, and dere's dem as say she vere pretty mad because he don't never pay no attention. Vhat he care for de red-headed t'ing?" "She looks after all the mail, doesn't she?" asked the doctor. "Yes, McGurn he too busy vid oder t'ings. De gal tends to all de letters an' papers." This seemed an indication worth following.