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Remember how Peter puts in one category these two forms of service, as equally flowing from 'the manifold grace of God, and equally to be exercised as 'good stewards' thereof 'If any man speaketh, speaking as it were the oracles of God; if any man ministereth, ministering as of the strength which God supplieth. Remember how Paul classes all varieties of service as equally 'gifts according to the grace given to us, and to be exercised in the same spirit whatever are the difference in their forms: 'or ministry, let us give ourselves to our ministry; or he that teacheth, to his teaching: he that giveth, let him do it with liberality ... he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.

If true glory were to consist in the possession of such perishable things, then the earth on which ye walk must needs vaunt itself over you, because it supplieth you, and bestoweth upon you, these very things, by the decree of the Almighty. In its bowels are contained, according to what God hath ordained, all that ye possess. From it, as a sign of His mercy, ye derive your riches.

But minding to give a rule, that every one may use, it is mete to declare, that everie common weale, and every kingdome, ought to choose their souldiours out of their owne countrie, whether it be hote, colde, or temperate: for that it is scene by olde ensamples, how that in every countrie with exercise, their is made good souldiours: bicause where nature lacketh, the industry supplieth, the which in this case is worthe more, then nature, and taking them in other places, you shal not have of the choise, for choise is as much to saie, as the best of a province, and to have power to chuse those that will not, as well as those that wil serve.

"Hearing these words of king Yudhishthira the Just, that were fraught with virtue and profit, Krishna replied, in a voice deep as that of the clouds or cymbals, saying, 'Responding to his advantage and consistent with both virtue and profit, those words that were uttered by me in the Kuru court found no response in the Kuru prince Duryodhana with whom deceit supplieth the place of wisdom.

And God is able to make all grace abound towards you; that in every case having always all sufficiency, ye may abound unto every good work: as it is written, "He hath scattered abroad, he hath given to the poor, his righteousness abideth for ever ." Now he that supplieth seed to the sower, shall also supply bread for food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness, being in every thing enriched unto all liberality, which causeth by us thanksgiving to God.

By the fear of the Lord men depart from evil, that is, in their judgment, will, mind, and affections. It is a fountain, or spring, which so continually supplieth the soul with variety of considerations of sin, of God, of death, and life eternal, as to keep the soul in continual exercise of virtue and in holy contemplation.

Notwithstanding the honor conferred upon me, and the unnumbered evidences of my wealth—a wealth that supplieth the needs of all creationbehold the measure of my humility, witness with what absolute submissiveness I allow myself to be trodden beneath the feet of men....” Show forbearance and benevolence and love to one another.

If true glory were to consist in the possession of such perishable things, then the earth on which ye walk must needs vaunt itself over you, because it supplieth you, and bestoweth upon you, these very things, by the decree of the Almighty. In its bowels are contained, according to what God hath ordained, all that ye possess. From it, as a sign of His mercy, ye derive your riches.

And O king, I will now tell thee of the servants of the Pandavas, people for whom Yudhishthira supplieth food, both cooked and uncooked. There are a hundred thousand billions of mounted elephants and cavalry and a hundred millions of cars and countless foot soldiers.

Of these there are no particular private founders, and consequently no particular visitor; there are no patrons of these; therefore, if no provision be in the charter how the succession shall continue, the law supplieth the defect of that constitution, and saith it shall be by election; as mayor, aldermen, common council, and the like.