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Is that essential nature constituted by mere intelligence as Sugata and Kapila hold; or is the soul as Kanada thinks, essentially non-intelligent, comparable to a stone, while intelligence is merely an adventitious quality of it; or is it essentially a knowing subject? The soul is mere intelligence, the Purvapakshin maintains; for the reason that Scripture declares it to be so. Up.

So far it has been shown that the doctrines of Kapila, Kanada, Sugata, and the Arhat must be disregarded by men desirous of final beatitude; for those doctrines are all alike untenable and foreign to the Veda. The Sutras now declare that, for the same reasons, the doctrine of Pasupati also has to be disregarded.

Of course the conclusion is drawn that the building does not belong to the Buddhists, but to the Brahmans, who believe in Manu. Here are two more inscriptions from Bajah caves. "An agreeable gift of the symbol and vehicle of the purified Saka-Saka." Sugata, again, is one of the names of Buddha. A new contradiction!

Hence Smriti says, The Sankhya, the Yoga, the Pankaratra, the Vedas, and the Psupata doctrine all these having their proof in the Self may not be destroyed by arguments. The essential points in all these doctrines are to be adopted, not to be rejected absolutely as the teaching of Jina. or Sugata is to be rejected.