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When Yang Su heard him speak in this fashion he collected himself, rose from his place, and spoke to him in a friendly manner. Li Dsing handed him a memorial, and Yang Su entered into talk with him concerning all sorts of things. A serving-maid of extraordinary beauty stood beside them. She held a red flabrum in her hand, and kept her eyes fixed on Li Dsing.

The emperor in his weakness was ready to abdicate but died before that stage was reached. Liang was the empress's brother; he, too, came from a northern family. Against this clique rose Su Chün, another member of the northern gentry, who had made himself leader of a bandit gang in A.D. 300 but had then been given a military command by the dynasty.

So back home and to the 'Change, in my way calling at Morris', my vintner's, where I love to see su moher, though no acquaintance accostais this day con her. Did several things at the 'Change, and so home to dinner. After dinner I by coach to my bookseller's in Duck Lane, and there did spend a little time and regarder su moher, and so to St.

"There's no need to give her any!" "With what she can't eat, herself," Yuean Yang continued, "she can feed the cats." At these words, a matron lost no time in selecting two sorts of eatables, and, taking the box, she went to take them over. "Where's Su Yun gone to?" Yuean Yang asked. "They're all in here having their meal together." Li Wan replied. "What do you want her for again?"

The next day, at an early hour, Yue-ts'un sent some of his men to bring over to Chen's wife presents, consisting of two packets of silver, and four pieces of brocaded silk, as a token of gratitude, and to Feng Su also a confidential letter, requesting him to ask of Mrs. Chen her maid Chiao Hsing to become his second wife. The joy experienced by Yue-ts'un need not be dilated upon.

It is great news, but the way he read so sour I do not like, ba su! I see Maitre Damian the schoolmaster pass my door. I beckon, and he come. I take my letter here, I hold it close to his eyes. 'Read on that for me, Maitre Damian you, I say. O my good, when he read it, it sing sweet like a song, pergui!

Such are Ophernes, Sitraphernes, Mitraphernes, Megabernes, Aspadas, Mazares, Tachmaspates, Xathrites, Spitaces, Spitamas, Ehambacas, and others. The initial element in O-phernes represents the Zend hu, Sans, su, Greek ev, as the same letter does in O-manes, O-martes, etc.

Estoy satisfecho, por esto, de que las pocas mujeres que ahora hablan de los derechos de su sexo y reclaman el sufragio representan a las demás mujeres filipinas, a no ser que queramos inferir el insulto de decir que las mujeres de este país están privadas de sentido común para oponerse o rehusar la concesión de derechos que pueden ensanchar sus medios de vida y sus actividades dentro de la sociedad.

Ello escosa grãde, y de mucha importãcia: y los de Mexico estã muy vfanos con su descubrimiento, q tienen entedido q seran ellos el coraçon del mundo.

In October of 1492 he had been appointed by the Queen, Contino de su casa, with a revenue of thirty thousand maravedis. Shortly after, he was given a chaplaincy in the royal household, an appointment which increased both his dignity and his income. His position was now assured, his popularity and influence daily expanded.